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Going for 30

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    Going for 30

    Well, I think the plan stinks.

    It's like trying to quit smoking by throwing your ciggies up onto a really high shelf. You'll try and forget they're there, but eventually you'll just get a chair, reach up and grab them smokes.

    I hope you prove me wrong in this, I really do! But since when has "Oh, I don't have a bag!" prevented anyone from making a purchase?

    The simplest way to stop drinking for an extended period of time is baclofen. You don't have to play games with yourself, you don't have to really think much about it. Booze just becomes unappealing.


      Going for 30


      I'm glad Baclofen works for you, but every individual is different.

      I also don't agree with telling someone their plan "stinks".

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Going for 30

        Seethepony;984341 wrote: Well, I think the plan stinks.

        It's like trying to quit smoking by throwing your ciggies up onto a really high shelf. You'll try and forget they're there, but eventually you'll just get a chair, reach up and grab them smokes.

        I hope you prove me wrong in this, I really do! But since when has "Oh, I don't have a bag!" prevented anyone from making a purchase?

        The simplest way to stop drinking for an extended period of time is baclofen. You don't have to play games with yourself, you don't have to really think much about it. Booze just becomes unappealing.
        Not everyone needs meds to give up works for some, others can do it without it.

        Everyone has their own plan, there is no right or wrong way, it is up to the individual.

        I think your attitude stinks.
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Going for 30

          Seethepony;984341 wrote: Well, I think the plan stinks.
          The simplest way to stop drinking for an extended period of time is baclofen. You don't have to play games with yourself, you don't have to really think much about it. Booze just becomes unappealing.
          Hmm not sure you meant to be that rude but it did come across that way as I read it.

          One of the best things about MWO is the respect shown to others here, that and the fact that we try and embrace anything and everything that may help in our quest to over come this.
          I am afraid that in my opinion seeking a 'cure all warts' silver bullet is a fools errand. Bac may very well help many people to stop picking up AL and I am delighted that it does but unless the issues surrounding the reasons we drank are addressed it is just papering over the cracks.
          That is why I personally choose a more holistic and wide range of tools to help me, I have put enough chemicals down my throat in my time.

          Best of luck with your plan FG, I think it is a good idea to start your day at the witching hour, everyone can be all full of the 'never agains' at 9am, its a little harder some days at 7pm.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Going for 30

            I am just Baclofen working for you?
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Going for 30

              Did it sound so harsh?

              Foolsgold is man enough to see he has a drinking problem, I'm sure he can take a bit of well-meaning skepticism on the chin!

              As we all know, he has set himself an incredibly difficult task. Anyone care to guess how many AF weeks I accomplished in the last 12 years leading up to September 2010? Not a single one! If FG wants to try 30 days, awesome, I am absolutely supportive of that... but I know how bloody hard it is.

              Had he said "I want to do 30 days AF" I'd have said something encouraging and that would be that.

              But he then describes his tactics - his weapons of choice, so to speak. No shopping bag, no money, no means of payment... these look like trivial inconveniences which won't pose much of a barrier to the serious alcoholic. I have ridden 12 km on a broken bicycle - through a hailstorm - just to get the beers I had resolutely denied myself the day before. By which I mean us Alkies have the strange ability to turn into supermen when the thirst strikes.

              A few minor hindrances may help as part of a grander scheme but by themselves they don't sound terribly convincing.

              It was inappropriate of me to suggest that Baclofen is the only way of doing this - dozens of people on this forum are proof that it isn't.

              Bottom line is - I meant no disrespect and certainly did not wish to sound discouraging. I just thought that instead of being a good boy and saying something sweet but insincere, I might say something useful.

              (That frantic scraping noise is the sound of me trying to dig myself out of a hole...)

              Anyway - and I mean this - good luck FG. But you know the saying : never bring a sword to a gunfight!
              Hi K9 -- yes bac works (incredibly well) for me. Not 100% AF yet but a huge improvement. 70mg /day. Used to drink 13 evenings out of 14, roughly, now it's once or twice every 2 weeks, and even that I consider excessive and no fun at all. Baclofen hangovers are so appalling that I might actually go 100% AF - even though that was never my plan!

              PS it says it's your birthday on the front page of the forum! "Happy Birthday to ya!" (Lennon/McCartney!)


                Going for 30

                Well without wanting to turn this into a bun fight,Seethepony.
                I have well over 15 months AF I applaud Fools Gold in his well thought out and very doable plan. The fact his wife is on board is an excellent bonus.
                I'm another one that has done this in an holistic way and have shovelled enough poison down my neck to last two life times.
                I know there are many people here who have great success with Bac with months and years AF. My point is Seethepony when you have a while longer than a few days AF perhaps you can then recommend it.

                Fools Gold -keep that plan going,shout out if you need a hand with anything:l
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Going for 30

                  Folks thanks for all your comments and support ? it?s good to know that there are people out there who can answer questions and offer advice.
                  Seethepony ? thanks for your honesty. This is my plan today but I?m sure it?ll evolve as I go along.
                  Update ? poor night?s sleep with sweats but still woke up this morning feeling better than getting 7/8 hours after drinking. Plan for today is keep busy in work, get home & stay busy during danger time. Now where?s that bottle of water?..


                    Going for 30

                    Good for you FoolsGold...The nights will get better, just stick them out, you are doing fantastic..WELL DONE!
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Going for 30

                      :welcome: FG,

                      Lots of great advice here, you will find this site a great help, keep coming back. Especially on the rough days,the wonderful ppl here have truly helped me to get to 52 days and I have no desire to drink (this week) there are many hurdles to cross and the addictive mind is very tricky.

                      Arm yourself with the tools that work for you to make it through the rough days.


                        Going for 30

                        FG - just cheering you on and wanted to add a couple of things. First, one thing I really like about this site is the variety of opinions. There seem to be two schools of thought that permeate it. One is more geared toward "tough love" and the other toward acceptance and encouragement. I can only speak to what works for me and that is this website. I am absolutely sure I would not be AF without it - I'm on day 15 and have never felt happier, more peaceful and rested. The sleep alone that I'm getting is enough for me to not relapse (I think..........can never get smug, I know from reading other's experiences). The other thing that is gone is my anxiety - absolutely disappeared.

                        For me, just coming here every day has gotten me over some kind of hurdle. I've done it strictly holistically - no meds whatsoever. I drink lots of filtered lemon water, Tulsi tea, and take L-Glut 3x/day. These things may not work for you but I post them anyway knowing that they might be of some help to you or others.

                        Sending you good vibes and lots of encouragement,

                        p.s. Some of this is redundant from my first post, but things kind of get lost so I added them again.


                          Going for 30

                          Hey Foolsgold, the first night without booze is always the worst! (Actually, I used to dread not drinking because of those hellish nights, wide awake, listening to my own heart beating like fury.)


                            Going for 30

                            seethepony - well articulated.Thank god for ipod & podcasts. So tonight home, made the meal & now bit of TV & bed. This ain't easy people but I'm giving it a go. Glass of blackcurrant juice anyone?? See you tomorrow


                              Going for 30

                              FG, the sleep can be a bit tricky at first - don't let it put you off. Even 3-4 hours sober sleep is worth 8 hrs of 'alcohol' sleep, the sweating I treated as a positive cos I felt it was the booze oozing out of my system, and it does stop after a couple of nights. I listen to audiobooks most nights and they are so bloody boring they put me to sleep!
                              Best of luck and keep posting - get a few days under your belt and you will feel absolutely wonderful, mentally and physically - it just keeps getting easier
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Going for 30

                                Well done FG, the first couple of days are the worse but when you get through, the fog lifts and we start to feel human again.
                                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

