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Pink Angels Diary......

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    Pink Angels Diary......

    Hi everyone,

    I am back once again with my tail between my legs. I have had a relapse which i am angry about but this time I am using that anger as power and determination not to be beaten by this thing.
    This time I have a good plan and I hope and pray i can do this. I am exercising hard and i am eating a lot of healthy food. When i feel like a wine in the evenings at the 5pm mark I fill up my water bottle and go for a sauna (so good for detox).
    I am on day 2 today and i will keep writing daily in my diary to be accountable.
    I welcome any advice and encouragement from you.
    Wish me luck, here i go!

    Thanks for listening,
    Pink xxoo

    Pink Angels Diary......

    All the best Ms. Pink Angel. We are with you. Sid


      Pink Angels Diary......

      The important part is that you are jumping right back in there! We've all had slips. It's good to hear you have a plan. I LOVE the sauna or steam room, it's so true that it's good for detox, and it's so relaxing. I used to sit in the sauna with a good book and stay about 45 minutes!

      You hang in there...and keep posting. I'm gonna keep checkin' on ya! :h

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Pink Angels Diary......

        Hi Pink - we chatted last night for a while - you sounded determined. This site is helping me tremendously. I just have a small suggestion that has worked well as a drink replacement (for me) for AL. If you can't head out to the gym, try drinking Tulsi tea sweetened with Agavi nectar. No caffeine so you can drink it in the evening. I find it takes away my craving (not to mention gummi bears).........But, you know the idea - just something else to drink that's not trashy like sodas.


          Pink Angels Diary......

          Hi pink Angel,you seem to have a good plan there, all the very best on your journey,
          Lilly x:l


            Pink Angels Diary......

            Im just loving my water at the moment but what is tulsi tea??
            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


              Pink Angels Diary......

              Hiya Pink Angel,

              I think that this is an excellent Idea, and :goodjob: on bouncing back ..........

              I will be watching too ........

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                Pink Angels Diary......

                Hi there! I think it's great you came back for support, we all need it at some point.
                I'm on Day 2 as well and loaded up on the good healthy food as well as my favourites Non AL drinks and a large amount of lemons, I love fresh lemon in my seems to help for some reason.
                I know I would love to have a sauna right now, good for you on finding something to fill the witching time with. You have my support!


                  Pink Angels Diary......

                  My first time here- I read a few blogs I think they're called and decided to give this a try. I bought the book from the Passages folks- I liked their ideologies! They think that its possible that drinking is linked to ADD- that makes a lot of sense to me. Since the brain controls every part of us- then the chemical imbalances must be a factor- I just cant afford their $70000 a month fee- else Id go there. But this site provides a closely linked attitude- that we need help not criticism. The 12 step program didnt work for me- this site takes a more holelistic approach, much like Passages does.


                    Pink Angels Diary......

                    Newbie here- thanks for your patience

                    My first time here- I read a few blogs I think they're called and decided to give this a try. I bought the book from the Passages folks- I liked their ideologies! They think that its possible that drinking is linked to ADD- that makes a lot of sense to me. Since the brain controls every part of us- then the chemical imbalances must be a factor- I just cant afford their $70000 a month fee- else Id go there. But this site provides a closely linked attitude- that we need help not criticism. The 12 step program didnt work for me- this site takes a more holelistic approach, much like Passages does.:thanks:


                      Pink Angels Diary......

                      Pink, Tulsi tea is an organic tea from India. You can order it from Of course, everyone is different but it works well for me in the evening. I also do the lemon in filtered water and L-Glut 3x/day.

                      The Agavi nectar (which I can buy in stores here) is a perfect sweetener for tea (IMHO). Honey is good also but I think Agave is better because it doesn't give you sugar spikes. It's lighter, which is why I think it's good in tea.


                        Pink Angels Diary......

                        Hey PA,
                        Good on you for starting up a diary - I have too in the hope it will help.
                        Early days yet for both of us - I am on day 3.
                        Stay focussed on adding every day - it sure helps me to read others' thoughts, ideas & plans.
                        Oh Choochie no offense lovey but I tried Tulsi tea once & it was bizarre! Just couldn't get my taste buds around it.....I'm sure it would've been better smoked.....:H:H
                        Haven't tried Agave nectar but I use stevia in my tea...
                        & I've yet to find a coffee substitute that I actually like - dandelion sucks! :H
                        Pffft natural shmatural.:H


                          Pink Angels Diary......

                          oh & welcome FSU - hope you stick around!


                            Pink Angels Diary......

                            Hey thanks Beags! Yep herbal is yuck for me too. Love my caffeine!
                            I wish you all the best to!
                            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                              Pink Angels Diary......

                              Hi Pink Angel

                              Good on you for getting back on the wagon. I was 38 days AF before I gave in. Am now back on day 3 AF.
                              Keep up the good work. You know you can do it.


