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Pink Angels Diary......

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    Pink Angels Diary......

    Hi PInk,

    Well done for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and getting right back to it. I have been trying for ten years now, and couldnt get any more than about two weeks af at a time. SInce joining the community, I have to date 3.5months af and going from strength to strength. I know it can be done. If someone had told me six months ago that I would have this much time al free, I would have laughed at them (sadly). I finally have my head straight after all this time, and the longer I stay off the grog, the better things are getting for me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Life and its hassles are still there, but my fear of actaully living life on my own terms and not in a chemical straight jacket has gone. It has replaced by a contentment with my lot and the joy of just being alive. I wish you stength to stay with this, the rewards are priceless. Love Saffyxx
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


      Pink Angels Diary......

      Excellent post above Saph! Bravo!

      Good job getting back in the arena Pink. Go for it, and don't forget yer 'Toolbox' (thread)

      Welcome SUV.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Pink Angels Diary......

        Pink, just here cheering you on along with the others! Hope things are going better for you this go-round.


          Pink Angels Diary......

          Morning all! Day 3 here and feeling great! Just had my eggy on toast to start my day. Off to work and after that I am off for another huge walk with my girlfriend. Feeling so much better and clearer in the head department!
          The sun is shining and i dont have a headache! YES!!
          Thanks to all of you that have posted it means so much and really does encourage me to WIN this time.
          Luv Pinky xoxo


            Pink Angels Diary......

            I'm so proud of you Angel. There is No quit in you at all. I think that's the key for many of us. Never ever give up, because suddenly it all clicks...we make it over the hurdle and our lives change in profound ways. I know this is the road your on!!!

            Love...John xoxox
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Pink Angels Diary......

              FSUMANIAC;984336 wrote: They think that its possible that drinking is linked to ADD- that makes a lot of sense to me. Since the brain controls every part of us- then the chemical imbalances must be a factor-
              :goodjob: Pink, attitude is so important in beating this thing into submission and yours is very positive.

              :welcome: Fsumaniac. I have ADHD and see a top psych twice a year for medication to regulate my moods and brain chemicals. A very high percentage of ADD and ADHD sufferers are addicted to various substances because they make us feel 'normal' at first. ADD is like you're always on the outside, looking in, and when on some mood altering substance it kinda helps us feel right in there with the rest of the human race. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the 40 lanes doing 80; other times like I'm in the 80 lanes doing 40. Al takes up the challenge to balance me...or it did at first. It's an illusion...
              Try finding a good psych (Mine's $220 for 35 mins) which is a helluva lot cheaper. Get your medication right and look into some of the drugs you can learn about on the site.
              All the best on your journey...keep posting.
              :h Mish :h

              PS They're called threads...start your own and others will jump in to take an interest and make you welcome.
              :h Mish :h
              Never give up...
              GET UP!!!

              AF since 25th November, 2011

              What might have been is an abstraction
              Remaining a perpetual possibility
              Only in a world of speculation.
              What might have been and what has been
              Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                Pink Angels Diary......

                Hi everyone! Well its day 5 for me!!! YES!!! Been soooo busy this week with work and exercise that i really dont have the time for AL anyway. How cool is that?
                Well just checking in and letting you all know im proud of me!
                HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                  Pink Angels Diary......

                  :goodjob: angel, and you should be proud of yourself, keep up the good work:l Lilly x


                    Pink Angels Diary......

                    Well done Pink, 5 days is marvellous. You will no doubt be feeling better physically and maybe mentally. The exercise is fantastic for getting rid of the tension, getting out into the world and getting some feel good hormones running around your blood. Take your strength from the fact that you can do five days and keep that vivid in your memory and mind. One step at a time, one day at a time, Pink you will defeat the demon. Love and strength Saffx
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Pink Angels Diary......

                      Way to go, Pink!


                        Pink Angels Diary......

                        Isn't that just fantastic Pink and what an achievement. I am so pleased for you because I know how much better you start to feel around the 5 days and you are so close to 7 - a week. Hang in and keep posting.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Pink Angels Diary......

                          Great job Pink! You should be proud of yourself! Hang in there and stay strong over the weekend. Do you have any plans?
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

