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need alittle help

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    need alittle help

    i am new here but can not keep going the way i am have HVC and drink way to much. Have tryed stopping over and over on my own and fail. how do you handle the cravings and get to sleep? If i can get past those two items then i will be alright.:new:
    spike buck 4:thanks:

    need alittle help

    welcome to this wonderful community. What is HVC? The first week or so insomnia is huge, I used melatonin which really helps.

    Keep coming back and for the cravings I say "one craving at a time" you need to find something to occupy the time you would spend drinking. A real need to change thought patterns is essential ie - Friday = drinking..

    Take care,


      need alittle help

      Hi there, I'm not sure what HVC is? Is that the short term for Hep C? Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm just taking a guess.
      There are lots of places on this website for finding what you're looking for and many people who have lots of really good advice as well and can help stear you in the right direction.
      For sleep right now I am taking a doctor prescribed pill till I get my body back to a somewhat normal state. And lots have had great success with Melatonin as well, which is a more natural approach.


        need alittle help

        :welcome: spike,

        I think RC has already shown you the link to the tool box. Most people here swear by L-glut to help ease their cravings.
        Have a check on the link below.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          need alittle help

          Welcome to a fantastic place Spike, I dont know what HVC is either. In answer to your questions I would agree with the above posters, I find LGlut very helpful for cravings and the toolbox is an invaluable thread.
          Keep Safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            need alittle help

            Spike - alcohol was what was KEEPING me from sleeping. If you can get past a few days you might be surprised how good your sleep starts getting. I am 16 days AF and attribute it to this site.

            For cravings I'm having luck with the following:
            L-Glutamine 3 x day
            Filtered water with lemon
            Tulsi tea with agavi nectar as sweetener for evenings (no caffeine so it doesn't keep you awake)
            Eating very healthy vegetables and fruits

            I just received the MYW book and meditation tapes for abstaining.

            Visiting this site every day as much as I can and reading, reading, reading. I also post and the fantastic people on the site always answer me. I have also chatted some - and everyone there is nice/helpful also.


              need alittle help

              Wow just the responce from you all is very uplifting to me. HVC is short for hep C. I have geno #1 no cure but i know to add al is stupid. I love wine and have been making it for over 20 years. Once i come home from work and take that 1st drink i can not stop until lights out. You have no idea how much your responce to me has made me feel. I AM NOT ALONE thanks
              spike buck 4:thanks:


                need alittle help

                You are definetely not alone, wine is my weakness as well. I can't take one drink of it either..I've finally accepted that fact.
                Some people have great success over the short term and others it can take a very long time, but you have lots of support here. All the best to you,


                  need alittle help

                  Hi Spike and welcome - have you downloaded the book "My Way Out" from the health store? You might want to do that - there are meds that you can try for the cravings too - some of us do well on those. I take Topamax which stops the cravings and went 8 months AF on it, then slipped (stupidly) so am working my way back up again now but hope to be AF again soon - and no more thinking I can have 'just one". I CAN'T. Post, read, ask questions - everyone is here to help you. It can be done. It isn't easy but there is so much support here for you. Wishing you all the best on your journey,

                  hugs to you,

                  Sunshinedaisies xx
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    need alittle help

                    Hi Spike....
                    I tried topa and baclofen and finally settled on Antabuse, but I doubt you can take that with HepC. I am so sorry for your illness.....I have been here for 8 months struggling, learning and making new friends....
                    we are here for you and remember One Day AT A Time
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      need alittle help

                      Hi Spike,
                      I just wanted to welcome you to the site. You are definitely NOT alone in this. I have been AF for quite a while now, but I still have trouble sleeping sometimes, in which case I then take Melatonin. The first few days will be the worst for cravings and insomnia. Once you get past those, it WILL get easier.
                      Like Mama Bear, I am on Antabuse so I just can't drink. I don't have any information on other meds to share with you (sorry!).
                      Again, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        need alittle help

                        day one

                        well today is the day i have stopped before for one day but that second day is the killer for me. I am sure i will be here alot on this trip.
                        spike buck 4:thanks:


                          need alittle help

                          good luck ... me too
                          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                            need alittle help

                            Hi Spike and Janka!
                            Congratulations on day 1! Do you have any plans for getting through today? Stick around, we'll help you. :h
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              need alittle help

                              You can try supplements but the truth is there is no miricle cure =( You just need to let your body detox. I always look at it as your body getting you back for all the years of abuse. Try stay as busy as possible and put notes around the house as to why you're doing this. The first few days are the hardest. You need to change your routine and stay away from any situation where AL is.
                              Hang in there. It gets better. The 'no sleeping' is the worst, something we all go through. we're always here for you!! Keep posting

