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Hypno Schedule

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    Hypno Schedule

    I'm just starting the program. I'm wondering if everyone follows the schedule outlined in the book for the different CDs or if they have a different schedule? I also got the Hypno and Subliminal for You Enjoy Exercise and I'm not sure if I can substitute those or if I should wait until after the whole month of the regular schedule. Any ideas from people in the real world?


    Hypno Schedule

    I have the lose weight one, not the subliminial, just the regular. What I'll do sometimes is listen to the full length MWO CD in the morning and the lose weight shorter version in the afternoon/evening. I have a flexible schedule, so it's easier for me to do that. Day three and five are just the subliminal and sleep learning; maybe slip it in there. I also use the "blank" time to use suggestions to make for myself for healthy eating and love or exercise.

    It might sound like overkill to some people, but I have heard that the mind can work on two or three things at a time. I think you can make it work; just don't expect too much from yourself.

