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    My name is Carol and I just joined. I am glad to meet you all. :new:

    I am an alcoholic. I come from an alcoholic background and my son is an alcoholic also. I also have two daughters. None of my children live with me. I am female and just over 50. I have a live in boyfriend, a dog, a cat and some fish. I don't want to be an alcoholic anymore.

    I work full time but don't have much of a social life (except maybe my alcohol). So it's a personal thing. Which from what I understand, is really a very hard thing. When I was around 30 or so, I stopped smoking. That was really the hardest thing I've ever done. I smoked for over 15 years or more, maybe around 18. I can't recall. That's really wonderful that I can't recall and don't really care that much about it to remember it. That's what I would like to have with this alcohol problem.

    What I really need right now is a few good friends to talk to. Some folks to depend on when the going gets rough. This is my second night of no alcohol. We will see how I sleep (if at all). I've done that before -- stopped for a while. My intentions are always good.

    Well enough ramblingly about me. I hope you are all well and living life to the fullest. It's all we have. I hope to speak to you all soon and I hope to make some friends. Maybe even I can be of some small help to someone sometime. I would like that.


    Best of Regards to you and yours,



    Hi Carol and welcome!!! You have come to a great place. Please keep posting. You will see you are not alone. If you can conquer smoking after that long, I have no doubt you can do this. Please feel welcome here.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




      Carol, I think you are doing great! I struggled with smoking on and off for many years. You seem to have licked it and kept it away. I think you will do really good!



        Hi Carol, I found this site just over five weeks ago and I haven't had a drink since day one. I can't tell you how to give up the drink because we all have our own pathway for that journey and you have to be ready to take it, I know because like you I tried to quit so many times and failed. Looking back now I failed because I just wasn't ready. I am also in my fifties and smoked from the age of fifteen till I was fifty two I stopped seven years ago after so many failed attempts, again I think the time was right for that as well. Everytime I tried to give up drinking I would look ahead down all the years and think how can I live the rest of my life without a drink, Christmad, New Year, Birthdays, Holidays, Anyday, and Everyday, any excuse I could think of , but , and this may sound stupid , if you can picture your brain as having two cog wheels inside , until they mesh and fit together, you may start your journey but might not get to your destination.
        Now when I look forward I am so relieved that I am finally free from that prison of alcohol and all the misery it brought me, but you can never be complacent about not drinking, you always have to be on your guard because I still get bad cravings now but I am prepared for them and I use several things to distract my brain and up to now they have worked. On reading this back to myself I see I have used the I word a lot, this is another thing, to give up drinking you may do it because your husband/kids/friends even your doctor have all begged you to but I think to be successful you have to do it because YOU WANT TO.
        I do hope you are successful on your journey and you will find so many travelling companions here to help you on your way that all i can say is


        Louise xxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life



          :welcome: Carol.

          Have you read the book and ordered supps? The cds are a great help for me.
          You will find support here and also information on "tools" to help you do this! YOU CAN DO THIS!

          Keep reading and posting!
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10



            Hi Carol,


            I was just sitting here last night....not having a drink (shhhh....I'm an alcoholic too) and I was thinking. This is just like when I quite smoking! I'm grumpy and irritable and I want to have a gosh darn drink. Kinda like a little kid who wants what they want when they want it

            Once I told myself "No" for long enough, and I finally resigned myself to the fact I wasn't getting what I wanted, it wasn't that hard.

            Now, if I can just do that for enough days in a row to make it a new habit

            I'm still learning as I go.

            I hope to see you soon:l
            :h :h :h :h



              I too, am an ex-smoker. I started somewhere between 13 and 15 and in my mid 30s after many attempts (I'm 50 now). I never was a heavy smoker, but it was just something I had to do when I drank, when I talked on the phone, etc. I got pregnant and quit. Then I started again after I quit nursing (very quickly after his birth). He had an upper respiratory thing, so the only place I could smoke was outside. I remember thinking one day, this is stupid, and just never bought another pack. Now I am one of those pain in the a$$ ex-smokers who can't stand to be around it.

              Wouldn't it be great if that happened with my drinking. I truly believe that I am not chemically dependent on alcohol but could be well on the way. Too much of my life revolves around it. This is something I am working on.

              So here's to "this is stupid" (as she toasts with her fat free/sugar free latte):thumbs:



                Welcome, Carol!

                For what it's worth, I've heard that quitting smoking can be more difficult than quitting or controlling drinking. Not that I have any personal experience with smoking, but a number of my friends have quit and they, too, say that it's the hardest thing they've ever done.

                I look forward to seeing more of you around here.

                :heart: Eustacia



                  P.S. to Louise--

                  Way to go!

                  :heart: Eustacia



                    Thanks eustacia.
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life



                      looking for support

                      I think if I shared my entire story many way wonder how it is I am not in the Loony bin but I have managed to become successful professionally and always look great on the outside... but it is the inside that hurts and wine is my drug of choice I just came from a huge family event and spent most of the time drinking ... I have purchased the book -- Topa came in the mail today -- I think I am mad b/c I did not prepare for this past weekend... nothing drastic happened but I wss not "present" and I don't want to live like that.. I have spent the past few days mad at myself for that ... how do I move on? I am a 41 year old female divorced no kids... recently moved out from a verbally abusive boyfriend... so what happens now? Robin
                      I can fly ... I just don't know it yet



                        Louise, your photo is gorgeous! Also way to go! I have not stopped yet but have cut back here and there. I really need to do something soon though as I have IBS and the drinking makes it worse. I think I may have to just go AF instead of cutting back.

                        Anyhow, welcome to carol and to all the rest of you -- thanks for the support!




                          wine is also my drug of choice and I especially drink when I am stressed (which is much of the time) and when around my extended family (parents and sister etc - -they drive me nuts LOL). I am also successful professionally and I really think noone knows about my problem except my husband. You sound like youi've had it tough the last little while and that can make you drink more - -I know exactly how you feel. Take care, Sharon

