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    Hello Everyone - I have been browsing this site lately and all the input from everyone has really help motivate me. I usually drink approximately 12 oz of hard liquor per day plus a little wine. I have managed to keep my job for 20 years and to keep my family together. So I always used that as an excuse that I was doing okay and didn't have a problem. But I have had black outs and wouldn't remember things I did the night before. A couple of times I woke up with a horrendous head wound that took days to heal from falling down. I guess I always knew I had a problem. Drinking has been a big part of my life for 30+ years. My goal at this point is to cut down so life is not so painful the next day. And maybe even eliminate it next year. (after Xmas)

    I have read many of the posts and just wanted to say how brave you all are. I hope to do as well myself. I have managed to cut back considerably since finding this site. I even told my wife about this site and what I was doing. (That was a major accomplishment for me) But I always knew she wanted me to reduce my drinking or quit completely.

    Wish you all well!


    Hi Empty Glass

    Welcome aboard.




      Hi empty glass, welcome here! I am also fairly new and desperately want to cut back and this site has really motivated me to do so. My husband drinks more than me though, so he's not much help - -although i love him to bits. he says that wine is his only vice and he works really hard, but I can see the toll it is taking on him, even if noone else does. Anyhow, keep posting! And best wishes, Sharon




        Thanks Sharon and Helen!

