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Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

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    Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

    I failed miserebly for October but i want to have a better month and beyond odat.


      Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

      Hi all!!!!!!!
      How we doing?? Did we get through today? Anyone stumble? Any struggles??
      WELL i struggled a little today i have to admit. I went into a house i used to live in owned by my parents and the great memories just flowed back, the old feelings, the excitment ect ect ect and that's where i started to form a relationship with AL, although not dangerous at the time, it was just fun. I got through the day tho, no drink and just thinking about how my life has changed =) Bring on tomorrow!


        Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

        Hi again. I got tru today with no cravings. I just kept busy doing some housework watching tv and on and off pc for some of the day. Goin to watch tv and may be read a book for tonight. Have a good monday evening. :ranger:sofa::television:


          Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

          Hi Everyone,

          Well, after having posted that I was going to try and make it until Thanksgiving without alcohol, I had two glasses of wine at a Halloween party yesterday. It was kind of a weird thing to do, since I was standing there at the party chatting with someone, and I thought, "I'm fine. I don't feel shy, or nervous; I don't need a drink". Then I did a sudden mental flip and in a pretty impulsive way I poured myself a glass of wine. I guess I was thinking, "well, I don't need it, so I guess I can have it." That Addictive Voice (as they call it at "SMART Recovery") is sneaky and clever.

          Even though I only had two glasses of wine, there were negative effects. I ate some Halloween candy, which I had not planned on doing. I was sleepy and dragging while trick or treating with the kids. I woke up this morning feeling that I had let myself down.

          Today is another day, and a fresh start. Every day is a new chance to do better. I will definitely not drink today. My plan is to have a quiet afternoon/evening with my soccer or baseball or other obligations today, so we'll light a fire in the fireplace, make some hot cocoa, and read and play games. The joys of sober parenting!
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

            I'm with you guys still - just slammed at work - day 28 AF for me today!

            SS - that tired feeling you get after 2 glasses is what enables me to have none - I just don't see any advantage any more. Hope this feeling stays with me.

            Best of luck to everyone here - AF is sooooo worth it.


              Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

              SS I can completely relate. I had my two glasses of wine and broke my Sober October. I felt just awful and thought "why did I do that?" Anyway, I'm here on Day 11, and frankly I don't care if I drink at Thanksgiving. I just want to have an AF life. That's how I feel and I hope that feeling stays with me forever. Life is too short to be in a haze of alcohol, hangovers and guilt!

              Jump back in and let's go the distance! Enjoy your children.
              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

                just a thought

                :yuk:If only there were a pill that would make you feel ( just for a moment ) the terrible withdrawl, dread, and sickness that you feel after drinking. Then we would never take that first drink! It's just too easy to forget how bad it really gets.


                  Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

                  Maybe writting to down, all the feelings we get, how we feel ect ect so when we fancy that drink, if we pull it out, hopefully the feelings we felt will come back strong enough to stop us drinking!

                  ss- brush it off, start again. You know it wasn't worth it so hopefully next time you'll be able to be slighty stronger. It's a huge learning curve for all of us and not a simple one at thatUnfortunatly it's a life long learning curve where we will have to be on our gaurd every second of everyday as AL is great at mind trick and will snap you in the butt when you least expect it.


                    Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

                    Good morning. Lil, I agree AL is a great mind trick. In AA they say it's "Cunning Powerful and Baffling" (or something like that) anyway, it's true! It's so easy to forget how bad it was after only a few weeks! Getting, if you find that pill send me some!

                    They do say to write down a list of some sort in the Tool Kit thread. It's not hard to come up with plenty of reasons, starting with waking up guilty and dehydrated every morning!

                    Have a wonderful AF day everyone!
                    Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                      Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

                      Good morning. I drank a lot on Halloween night alone at home with my cat. Felt awful yresterday but didn't drink. SS i drank 2 bottles of wine from late afternoon so you can imagne how i felt. I didn't drnk yesterday and i won't drink today. I wish you all a good af tuesday.


                        Anyone want to join me in some AF weeks?

                        Well in the end i messed up yesterday =( so day 1 for me again! I've got to be stronger and keep busy!

