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Finally - a zero

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    Finally - a zero

    It's a long time since I've posted, but after a less than sober October, I've finally done an AF day and put my zero in the drink tracker. It is so easy to slip back bit by bit. I'm a "modder" and haven't done too badly at it over the year-and-a-half since I found all of you wonderful people. I lurk on the long-term mod thread, but in the past few months found the "I'm so busy and stressed, so I deserve this and just don't care" excuse taking over. Funny - identifying myself as a high-functioning alcoholic originally helped me keep it under control. In the last month, it's joined the excuses - "Hey, of course I'm drinking. I'm a high-functioning alcoholic!!"

    Ah well - got that zero today.... finally....:fingers:

    Finally - a zero

    Good for you on putting that zero in there, I bet it felt pretty good didn't it? Are you looking at racking up some more AF days?


      Finally - a zero

      Yes - I think the one zero means nothing without more. One AF day does not moderation make! Tomorrow is Hallowe'en so I think easy to not have wine with dinner (my problem), and then with two under my belt, I should be able to continue through the week. ODAT, however; the one is there at any rate.



        Finally - a zero

        Great job! One day at a time as they say!!!:goodjob:


          Finally - a zero

          Hi Dancing, I also am a "high functioning alcoholic" who thought I could Mod. After two years of tracking and worrying and trying to be sure I wasn't drinking too's just too much! I need a break. So I've gone AF and I have to say it feels great!

          I was aiming for a Sober October, but had a slip last week and got right back on. I just don't want it anymore.

          Hope you hang in there and start feeling how great it feels to have that constant AL nag off your back!
          Have a great evening and AF Haloween!
          Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


            Finally - a zero

            Aww DancingGirl,
            Lovely to see you back posting, it really does help just popping in to have a quick post even if it's just to say hello..................says the me with way over 9000 posts.

            Let's see more big fat zeros.

            J x
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Finally - a zero

              Hi Jackie!! and good to meet you ICan, vikesfan, and Brigitte. I have been generally successful in modding, but lost it this month when I started talking myself out of my AF days. So, back on my horse. Today feels rather crucial.

              9000 posts Jackie and AF from the day we "met" - bravissima!


                Finally - a zero


                Finally a zero that means something! I got one also. I am looking forward to stringing out those goose eggs ~ best of luck to you

