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I can't control it anymore

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    I can't control it anymore

    :new: I would like to start out by saying I am married to an alcoholic and became one myself. I feel myself resenting him for introducing this lifestyle to me. I grew up being raised by my dad's sister. My real mother is a raging alcoholic and will probably die from it. I never wanted to be like her. My dad left when I was an infant and I was taken away from my mother when I was 4 years old.

    I met my current husband at work. The first time we went out was to a bar and proceeded to get drunk. I fell head over heels in love with the man and didn't care how crazy his drinking was or how often it was. It's been almost two years now and my life feels like its stuck on the spin cycle. We drink at least 4 days out of the week. I can't stop drinking now and it really scares me. I turned into my mother and thats what I feared the most. I want to quit drinking but my husband fears he can't stop. We need help...I need help. I want the cravings gone. Where do I begin?

    I can't control it anymore

    Hi Lost, I would suggest first start by reading the book and then deciding which parts sounds good for you to try. Some of us are doing everything recommended in there, and some of us are picking and choosing what works best for us. Of course, none of this is a magic pill. You have to want to make a change; which it sounds like you are ready to do. If you stick around here you will see that you are not alone with this problem. Glad you found this website.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      I can't control it anymore

      Welcome! I agree with Lush too. Is there anyone else that you can talk too that you know in addition to coming to this website? Someone you can confide in that could help you? Does you husband want help too or are you attempting this alone? I hope you can at least share how concerned you are with him and that the two of you can map out a plan together and begin aggressively tackling this problem. It is not something that goes away without a fight (as you have already seen), so if I were you, I would implement every aspect of this program that you can. Please get the book if you havent already and go ahead and skip to the part that lists the supplements and go buy them! Then read the book. Plug in here and read as much as you can. Many of your questions will be answered by reading the posts, especially on this thread and by hearing the answers to others questions.

      I wish you the best of luck, and this program really can help you get on the right track if you make the choice to work at it!

      All the best,
      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        I can't control it anymore

        What book are you talking about exactly? Please point me in the right direction.

        I should explain more about my husband. My husband grew up around alcohol. His dad to this day goes to the local legion post every evening. My husband talked about how he was only a social drinker but being social every night of the week can't possibly be healthy especially when alcohol is involved. We tried several times to quit together. He either gave in to temptation or it was I. That's when I noticed we did have a problem with alcohol.

        I always wanted to quit for the wrong reasons. It was always because I had a bad experience when I was drunk that I swore I would never do again. Then the other day I realized I was only lying to myself or pretending that was the right reason to quit. I don't want alcoholism to steal anything else from me. It robbed me of my biological parents, it has affected my job performance, and it has made me do things I would never normally do. Everyday I ask, "Please God don't let things get any worse." They do. As long as I keep continuing to abuse alcohol they will continue to get worse. I don't want to lose my marriage and that is what I fear the most right now because we both abuse it.


          I can't control it anymore

          If you go to the home page you will see that the founder of this website wrote a book that offers ways to help cut the cravings through nutritional supplements, hypnosis CDs, etc. You might find something in there that strikes a chord with you.....
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            I can't control it anymore

            lostphez wrote: :new: I would like to start out by saying I am married to an alcoholic and became one myself. I feel myself resenting him for introducing this lifestyle to me. I grew up being raised by my dad's sister. My real mother is a raging alcoholic and will probably die from it. I never wanted to be like her. My dad left when I was an infant and I was taken away from my mother when I was 4 years old.

            I met my current husband at work. The first time we went out was to a bar and proceeded to get drunk. I fell head over heels in love with the man and didn't care how crazy his drinking was or how often it was. It's been almost two years now and my life feels like its stuck on the spin cycle. We drink at least 4 days out of the week. I can't stop drinking now and it really scares me. I turned into my mother and thats what I feared the most. I want to quit drinking but my husband fears he can't stop. We need help...I need help. I want the cravings gone. Where do I begin?
            Hi I'm Liz
            I understand your worried about being out of control. Is your husband wanting to give up also? If he does then you will be able to help each other, but if his doesn't think he has a problem you are in for a hard recovery. You can do this and it isn't always easy, but it is rewarding when you can say NO to a drink. I wish you all the best. lizc

