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Halloween Cravings......

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    Halloween Cravings......

    So today is day 15 AF. This night for some reason is a real test and for a very stupid reason. This is of course Halloween. I have vivid memories of last year (last several years) watching scary movies in front of the fire with my sons, and several rum and cokes. This year is no different. My youngest son wants to watch a movie with me ? of course that brings back the memory and a huge craving for a rum and coke. If it were not for the Antibuse I guarantee I?d be pouring one now. I hate this denying myself something I really want. It puts me in a really pissy and depressed mood. It?s times like this that make me question why I am doing this at all.

    Sorry ? just had to get that out of my system?..


    Halloween Cravings......

    Hey - I understand. I'm on antabuse too. I'm in a "bitchy" mood too. :H
    But, I started taking Antabuse to avoid these situations so I guess that's a good thing. I just got told by Mama Bear and Kimberley to take my pill (I had avoided it for 3 days). So, I took my pill and am remembering why I am taking it.
    I just read a post you made on "What are you loving about being AF". Try to remember the good things. That's what I'm doing today - going back and re-reading why I want to do this.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Halloween Cravings......

      Hey WELL DONE for getting through it. AL has a great way of messing with our minds. In the end it's ONLY a liquid. I'm sure your sons are soo proud and happy to have a sober mummy!! IF you were to have drunk,can you imagine what you'd be feeling right now?? The anger, the pain, the disappointment ect ect. JUST look at it... you put your relationship with your kids before AL!!


        Halloween Cravings......

        Even more strange is that I read my post from last evening this morning and don’t even understand it. I would be majorly TO’ed at myself had I indulged last night. I ended up having a nice evening. My wife and sons and I ended up watching a pretty creepy movie while feasting on some extra buttery popcorn and all the iced tea I could drink! That damn Al must be getting desperate by putting those thoughts in my head. Generally he has lost his voice except for occasions like last night.

        Yeah Me! :-)

        16 Days AF!!!!!


          Halloween Cravings......

          Way to go IJM,

          The cravings do subside, the first month is very challenging. I have changed my stinking thinking ie: being deprived to positive thinking ie is making a huge difference this time. I quit before and felt like I was missing out, I was drinking NA beers and wine to make myself feel like I was drinking a "real" drink and this time I don't need to or want to pretend I am drinking.

          I bet you are feeling great for making it through a trigger time, it does get easier.


            Halloween Cravings......

            Hi Itsjust, Great job on getting through the evening and feeling great about it today.

            When I get those cravings I just can't believe that my mind has gone so far down this addiction path! It's really horrifying when I think about it! Someone did a "Toolkit" for staying sober thread and they talk about "urge surfing". It's really a good idea to read through the toolkit. Lots of good ideas.

            Have a great Monday knowing you're one more day away from drinking! Hopefully soon we'll be far away from thinking about drinking! I hear it does happen eventually!
            Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h

