I don't have a bath either Molly, and our shower is the pits. I've taken to just having a long steam and then showering at the gym. I feel like its my treat after a workout. I wish I could pick my dad's brains, maybe in the future. I wish he had gone to AA like your dad oney, as I think he was a "dry drunk" when I was growing up. He has major anger issues that I was happy to hear yesterday that he is seeing a shrink for. Whew, I am hanging in there today- sticking around the sight. I'm really thinking about HALT. Don't get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. I'm noticing over the past week these are serious triggers that have a major affect on my cravings as of late. Also, I'm noticing that about once a month I struggle more then other days, so I think hormones have a play in this addiction as well... Thanks for the ramble