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skinny cow's al free adventure

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    skinny cow's al free adventure

    I thought i would start a thread and just blog a bit about my upcoming al free journey. I hope it helps me and anyone else who reads it focus on being sober odat. i am on day two now and i know the next few days and weeks are the most difficult. i am going to post here when things get rough, and hopefully that will pull me through the hard bits.

    i feel good today. i have to do this. everything is on the line at this point. i have reached a lot of terrible mile stones in my drinking, and i am heading for death, surely. so here we go! all comers welcome!
    no time like the present

    skinny cow's al free adventure

    congratulations, skinny cow! I see you joined 2 years ago. What a perfect time to get this done - A monday the first day of the week on the first day of a new month! GO GET 'EM!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      skinny cow's al free adventure

      Hi i just want to wish good luck as i know how hard it is to beat this disease. I'm hoping for a better month odat.


        skinny cow's al free adventure

        thnaks for that guys. it is very scary at the beginning. i am hoping i can get to a place where it just becomes a way of life. a new normal. cause my current normal sucks!
        no time like the present


          skinny cow's al free adventure

          Hi Skinny Cow,

          Just jumping in to say hello and looking forward to reading your posts, good luck and be nice to get to know you

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            skinny cow's al free adventure

            Hello Skinny Cow. I want to wish you luck. If there is anything I can do to lend suppport PLEASE PM me....Techie
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              skinny cow's al free adventure

              Welcome back SC!


                skinny cow's al free adventure

                Hi skinny cow (love your nic!) Just wanted to add my well wishes for your journey, it is scary boy, isn't it just! (my 'normal' sucks too, so I am rooting for ya!) :thumbs:


                  skinny cow's al free adventure

                  HI Skinny Cow - are you really skinny or just ironic? I'm nosy by nature! Well done on Day 2, great idea coming here every day, I find the 'accountability' very helpful. Best of luck with the 'adventure' - that's how I see it now, not always easy, but definitely worth it!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14

