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    I've been reading your info since five AM...I am scared and sad and need help. My husband has had a "mental breakdown" and had been hospitalized several times over the last eight months. In fact, I found this site when I was looking up some of his meds.

    We had marriage problems before all of this, including my drinking, and now it is all just a mess. He wants to get better and stay marrried but he has moved out due to the fact that he is miserable and impossible to be around. My kids are grown and away at college, and parenting was my job. I have moved across the country to be with my husband's job. I am lonely and frustrated. I am drinking alone at night and most of the time avoiding going out so that I can be alone.

    Only a few of my friends know of his condition, somehow, he is still very active in the business community and it must be kept a secret. In fact, only two of our friends even know he is not living here...they just think he travels a lot!

    My closest friends know I drink a lot but no one knows what to do or say. Drinking is a big part of our social life. I just am not stopping. My husband can't stand when I am drunk. It is the only thing that takes away that sick feeling in my stomach and makes me forget my pain. My mother was an alcoholic, so I know where I learned this behavior...

    I just sent for the book and will get on the suppliments...the Topo sounds scary, I have seen what my husband is on several medications. I guess I am willing to give it a go with enough info.

    I have always been so "put together". This is tough.


    Hello Graciestripe,
    Just wanted to say welcome to MWO...I found that aswell...People didnt know what to do, say around me...If they could drink round me...Even if they could mention drink.......I found the best way to deal with it was to be totally honest with them...Like yeah the drinking round me bothers me but if it gets too much its up to me to leave and not them to hide it..

    I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for you and your marrage...It sounds complicated...

    Hopefully i'll see you around on the boards...Take care and good luck...Macks
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

