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    I found this site like most seem to find it, disgusted after too much. I've ordered the book and await it. The meantime(s), the in-between times, I have trouble managing. My job affords me much time off, which I spend alone, with my two rescue dogs. My husband is in another state, or I am in another state as I've moved and not he (for work purposes), and I have no friends, nor any family near.

    My days seem to be bi-sected, the beginning, the fairly normal, then the endings and the fairly abnormal. I read the posts, mostly from the new people - like me - and we sound so much the same. How have you done it, those that have done it? How have you gotten through the meantimes? How have you wrestled your own mind?

    I have been to rehab (35 days, instead of 28 - so, I'm a little slow on the uptake ;-) )five years ago, but I didn't quit. AA is not for me and most programs follow the 12-step outline with a complete lack of imagination. I am encouraged by this site. I am considering Topo. I am disjointedly rambling.

    I welcome, encourage, comments, help.

    Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


    We sound much the same...alone and a bit lost. Hope we can get some help!



      Alone, and, perhaps, a lot lost. Such a viney, thorny thing this. Truly love/hate. About seven years ago I quit for six months. I think I remember being happy. Happy in a "I didn't know life could be like this" sort of way. I quit because someone suggested I might be an alcoholic. I had a reason, so I quit. Then started, again, for reasons I can't remember. Now, I know I am an alcoholic, and admitting it is not half the battle, its just another depraved stone thrown onto a heap of depraved stones. I'm an alcoholic, I admit it, and, so, I get worse. It is amazing what one can rationalize, and, more amazing what behaviours one permits once one starts rationalizing.
      Thank you for responding in kind. Perhaps we can change this.
      Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.



        Welcome Bluemoon...

        It is hard trying to get thru this on your own... especially when you are alone much of the time... You will make many friends on this site who understand what you are going thru as we are going thru it as well... some of us take longer than others.... thats ok too..

        Keep visiting everyday and if you can get onto the chat I always find that really really supportive..

        Best Wishes

        Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down



          We have to stop agreeing with each other!!!

          Gracie, Blue Moon, welcome.. Kate took the words out of my mouth... and Kate, I might give you a run for your money on that competition!



            Hi, I'm new too! I found this site purely by accident while googling Campral. I'm thinking this might be a really great place to come and set for awhile!
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



              Ok, I ordered the book. But I'm wondering why I can't post in certain areas! I belong to other boards and I feel kinda duh that I can't figure this one out! TIA And sorry, I didn't know where else to post this. Bear with me, I'll get it eventually.

              Oh, and is it okay to sleep through all the CDs? My daugher used to read to me and I fall asleep really fast. Or is there no talking? Sorry for so many questions. I'd really like to buy the CDs.
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

