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bloody hell!

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    bloody hell!

    OK SOOO long story cut, when i was 34 weeks pregnant, i climbed a ladder into my loft, my proper installed loft ladder collasped causing me to plumet 6 1/2 feet onto my back. Rushed into hospital, abrupted placenta and damaged back. Baby born fine but early. They couldn't xray as i was pregnant and said as soon asi had delievered they needed to.DID THEY.. no. Instead after 6 weeks i was sent home in lots of pain, on morphine tablets. I don't like taking pain killers so i went to the doctors and he reluctantly changed them to codine... still not great but better then morphine. ANYWAY, went to th dOCtors today and he pressed my spine, causing me to collaspe and scream out in pain to which he said it i've damaged it a lot worse then originally though and while looking at the exray taken in the hospital he also said i had broken my pelvis which for some reason hadn't been picked up on or treated. My son is now 7 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now i'm stuck on a sofa with painkillers until it eases up enough for me to carry on with my days until my hospital appointments come through.
    I work for the NHS , i LOVE my job, it's my calling, i'd never change it and i hate when people moan about it as we work so bloody hard for so little pay but seriously, i can't see how they've messed my treatment up so bad!!!
    I'm not moaning at all, i'm just shocked and thought i'd share!

    SOOOOOO as i'm stuck here, anyone want to play some games with me *lol*

    bloody hell!

    Fecks sake thats terrible, I appreciate that staff are under heavy pressure but missing a broken pelvis on a 34 week pregnant woman is hardly what one would construe as a minor lack of competence on their part. I do hope your pain eases and you get proper medical care very soon.
    I would love to stop and play but got work to get to.

    P.S. Oh and many congratulations on the birth of your son safe and sound, you must have been very relieved.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      bloody hell!

      Oh your thing i hope you will be will ok amd comfortable. Take care and rest. xxx


        bloody hell!

        Oooo, that's bloody sore.
        You mind and look after yourself.

