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Pardon the interruption....hi

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    Pardon the interruption....hi


    I'm new - I just found this site last week and have been lurking a bit. I ordered the book, and some supplements. I don't plan to start on any medications. I've been drinking excessively for many years, just at night, to relax of course. But I always feel guilty, and unhealthy. I've tried to cut back before, it never lasts. The thought of giving it up completely is very scary. I started last week by saying I would have at most 1 drink per night. I've been feeling irritable, screamed at the husband a few times, tension headches every day. But I actually have been AF for 4 days - it was easier to do that, because then I wasn't obsessing about when I have would have that one drink, and how I would deal with wanting another one right after. My long-term goal is moderation, but for now it feels like I should abstain (though that could change at any moment!) I'm having trouble falling asleep, and have been taking over-the-counter sleep aid for that. I'm hopng the kudzu and l-glutamine will help with the cravings. OK I'm rambling now so I'll stop. Oh, my husband is stopping and/or cutting back as well, though he's not interested in the forums. He said he'll try the supplements, but I'm not sure that will last long.

    Bye for now
    AF since 6JUN2012

    Pardon the interruption....hi

    Welcome Pixie! We are glad to have you...
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Pardon the interruption....hi

      Hi -
      I lurked a bit as well before jumping in with a thread. We sound alike. So many here do. Alcohol maims uniformly, it seems. I'm encouraged by what I read on this site. Getting out seems possible. I haven't any gems of wisdom to offer, as I'm embroiled, curently, in this great struggle. I haven't learned enough, yet, to offer anything other than my empathy and my support.
      Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


        Pardon the interruption....hi

        Hi Pixie,

        ME TOO! I want to be moderate and am scared of going totally AF. Just one or two wines now and then would be great -- it would be enjouyable but still not rule our lives, huh? Great you're already 4 days AF - -I admire you, Sharon


          Pardon the interruption....hi

          Hey Pixie!

          Thank you for stopping by my thread with words of encouragement!! I'm sorry that you broke your 12 day streak, but I'm with you. You didn't fail and you aren't starting over!! Twelve days is the longest I've been AF since I can remember. Well done!!
          Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


            Pardon the interruption....hi

            Welcome Pixie :welcome:

            I've only been here 11 days and already feel much better about myself.

            Take care, Paula xx

