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Newly sober

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    Newly sober

    I'm new here and hoping that other peoples experiences will help me rid myself of this habit.
    I'm 23 days sober now and I need to be.I was drinking a bottle of Vodka a day, I was drunk all the time.
    I am determined this time to stop for good and I have put myself into a self imposed exile from all my trigger points.I am doing this without drugs and I dont seem to be having any major withdrawl symtoms, apart from the occasional headache, so I have been a little nervous that the "horrors" will surface without warning so I would appreciate if anyone has ideas of what I might expect. I do seem to be sleeping a lot but I'm assuming this is just part of my poor (pour) body recovering from the poisoning it has been taking.
    I am looking forward to talking to people with the same problem so I dont feel quite so alone with my battle against the bottle.
    Thanks all.


    Newly sober

    G'day Stollies,

    Welcome to a highly spirited (non-alcoholic, of course) and motivated crowd of people. As to withdrawals, it probably depends on how long you have been on the bottle. It may be good to go for a liver function test, just to check on where they stand. The liver usually takes about 3 months to get back to normal. It may also be good to take some medication to prop up your liver. There are some great 'green' medicines to do so, such as ESSENTIALE from Aventis. Any vitamine supplements, particularly vitamine B supplements would be beneficial.

    Keep us posted on your progress. :welcome:
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Newly sober

      hi stollies,well done on your 23 days that is brill ,just like you i used to drink a bottle of vodka every night and i also am doing this without drugs so far ,as for the withdrawals the worst thing for me was panic attacks and sleepless nights still not sleeping to well (i,m 13 days sober)i agree with paddy if you can go see your doc about getting a liverfunction test and if they can suggest anything else to help you i would certainly take it up i also expect that if the "horrors"have not yet surfaced yet then maybe they won,t surface at all just keep up the good work and i am sure you will get there maryt


        Newly sober

        I read that the worst withdrawal symptoms like shakes sweats etc, happen on day 4, so you are WAY past that. Congratulations!!!! I am trying to cut back from drinking a bottle of wine every night, and would also like to have a couple of AF days every week. You are SO brave to go cold turkey like that -- panic attacks are really scary. I use a really good meditation tape to calm me down when I am anxious -- instead of the wine.
        keep us posted, Sharon

