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ODAT Tuesday November 9

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    ODAT Tuesday November 9

    Good morning all!

    Looking forward to a beautiful af Tuesday today! Hubby brought home a new wardrobe for me last night. Love it. Now I need to get the spot ready, etc. Planning some cleaning projects for later in the week. In laws will be coming for the Thanksgiving holiday, and it's sneaking up on me quickly. Best wishes to you all in reaching your daily goals!

    ODAT Tuesday November 9

    sunday blues

    Hi Everyone,

    I guess I can say I did okay for the first few days Friday and Saturday were AF for me but Sunday is a big family day at my house lots of food wine and conversation. And I give in:upset:, had an entire bottle of red wine. Monday was so bad I couldn't even post but here I am again. AF day 2, I am sure I can get through the week its the weekends that are a killer for me.
    Tiny Tina:flower:


      ODAT Tuesday November 9

      Day 9 for me - double digits tomorrow!

      Fancy - sounds cool with the the new clothes! I'm jealous!! I am getting ready for Thanksgiving too - having loads of people over.

      Tina - Sundays used to be a big wine day for me too. I cook for the week on Sundays so that was my thing - get my cooking done, listen to some music, drink wine after wine...It was fun until Monday of course. I still cook Sundays, however I did a few things to curb the wine. 1) Didn't have any in the house (that always helps!) 2) got my kids involved in the cooking - I don't like to over imbibe with them around 3) have another beverage in a wine glass - spicy tomato juice, seltzer with lemon, ANYTHING. I am not saying it is easy Lisa, because it is not. But you have to make a decision and stick to it. Does your family know of your struggles? I know how hard it is when they don't know and you are trying to do it on your own - that is what I am doing. Make a plan, especially for the weekends, read the book, buy some supplements. The plan is key. I hope that you can find the strength to fight this stupid demon. Keep posting and reading. Once you gate a few days under your belt, it gets a little easier. It just takes time, patience and the will to stop drinking. It is a struggle for me very day, but I want to feel better for me but mostly for my kids.
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        ODAT Tuesday November 9

        Hi All,

        I feel terrible today. I overdid it last night and don't remember things. I need and want to stop and be AF every day. I feel guilty and my stomach burns and my back hurts. I have been drinking for 10 years.

        Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I can kick this :new:


          ODAT Tuesday November 9

          Don't ever not post when you are feeling bad. That is when you need everyone the most. This was my first Saturday and Sunday in a VERY long time AF, and I mean a VERY long time. Just pull your boot straps up and keep trucking and remember how you felt. 2 days is still 2 days more than zero!

          Stay with us!
          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


            ODAT Tuesday November 9

            Ok. I really want to be good and stop. I mean it. I want to feel better.
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I can kick this :new:


              ODAT Tuesday November 9


              Sorry I cross posted. Start again today. 10 years suck I know; been there, done that and more. Just take it one minute, hour, day at a time. Pick yourself up and let's get day one behind us. 1 becomes 2 becomes 3 becomes 4.....I am only on day 8.
              I say "only" day 8 but EVERY day is so worth being sober. The world is amazing without the glassy eyes and foggy head! Hang in there we can do it!
              Stay with us...

              Sober Tuesday!
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                ODAT Tuesday November 9

                thank you ifulovelife2. I am going to stay. I am at work and really need to be working. Things are really bad for me right now. I do work hard but I want a better job. I know if I quit drinking, I can do so much more with my life.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I can kick this :new:


                  ODAT Tuesday November 9

                  Tempted and Tina,

                  You are in a good place and IfUL has already given you some great advice. Just wanted to send you some links within this website that might help you get started.

                  First, don't forget to read everything you have time for. The site has tons of stuff but it is scattered throughout, so you have to put in the time to research it.

                  This is a great place to start:

                  Post often - it will help you!:welcome:


                    ODAT Tuesday November 9

                    I am so happy for this site, I will stay close, I have started the suppliments I guess I have a week to work on a plan for the weekend. thanks for the great advise.
                    Tiny Tina:flower:


                      ODAT Tuesday November 9

                      Tina - here is a great thread for plan ideas:




                        ODAT Tuesday November 9

                        Tina and tempted, I am new here also. I found this site about a month ago, and Im so happy I did. I drank for 30 years and was up to 1 1/2 bottles of wine a day, I weigh 112 pounds, so that was alot for me. I started having pains and other phyical problems, and they are gone now after 27 days on here and taking all the supplements that are suggested on here. First few days were rough but it got better for me and will for you too. Read everything on this site that you can, it is all helpful. Post on here often and ask questions. Many good people who want to help and are very supportive. Good luck to you both and look forward to hearing more from you.
                        AF since 10/14/2010...


                          ODAT Tuesday November 9

                          Hi mistysmoma,

                          Thank you that give me encouragement. I did not drink every day for 10 years but close to it. I like rum. Started out drinking it with a juice or soft drink. Then started drinking it straight a lot to hurry up and get the feeling and dispose of the bottle. I did order me a starter kit so that I can have a good start. I hope it comes very soon.

                          You are very small and I bet that was a lot for you. I am glad you feel better. I do feel better today, just feel a little tired. I did not sleep too good last night. I had the night sweats.

                          Getting ready to go get some lunch and bring it back to my desk.
                          Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I can kick this :new:


                            ODAT Tuesday November 9

                            Hi Tempted - welcome! Great that you ordered the supps. Read the book too - it's quite an eye opener. I know that tired feeling....I am not a good sleeper but found I am at least sleeping a better than when I was pickled on wine. Supps definitely help as does making a plan. Good luck and know that you are among friends
                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              ODAT Tuesday November 9

                              Tempted, Misty, Tina, Wagoneer, just dropping by to say Hi and to with you a wonderful AF day.

