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ODAT Hump Day, November 10

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    ODAT Hump Day, November 10

    Day 10 today! Feeling hopeful

    Also completely thrilled that my car will only cost a few hundred dollars (that I don't have :upset rather than the thousands they told me at first! I am also thankful that the car broke did not break down on the turnpike up in the mountains with all the kids in the car - it would have been soooo dangerous. My sobriety is making me more thankful for the little things, let me tell ya.

    Hope you are all well and stay strong

    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

    ODAT Hump Day, November 10

    Hey Katwagon! I found it a huge step when I started pickin out the positives in things - good on you and delighted bout the car - you'll always find a few hundred somewhere. If you were anything like me you'd have found it for booze!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      ODAT Hump Day, November 10

      Hi here I am on day 3, it got a little weird just a few minutes ago I got so busy at work I for got to eat lunch and boy did I begin to start craving a glass of wine with my lunch. I normally don't even drink wine during the day only after I get home. Well I did realize that it could be that I was hungry so I just ate about 10 minutes ago and I am feeling better. but what was that all about? I think I will have to work a little harder today.
      Tiny Tina:flower:


        ODAT Hump Day, November 10

        Tina - maybe you are craving the carbs and sugar from the alcohol you are not drinking. Keep a variety of healthy snacks around or eat 6 small meals a day. That helps me. Plus I take Kudzu right before I drive home and it helps stop that nasty habit I used to do whilst cooking dinner. Stay strong!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          ODAT Hump Day, November 10

          thanks waganeer, it sounds like a plan I will work on it. I am a marathoner so my weight it a big issue for me eating to much is not something I like to do. But I guess I can work it out I guess I will just be replacing all the acohol calories. I must say this site is a great support.
          Tiny Tina:flower:


            ODAT Hump Day, November 10

            Way to go Wagoneer, 10 days is simply fantastic and into the double figures!! Glad that the car isn't going to be as expensive as you thought, even though it is a few hundred :l

            Welcome Tiny Tina, 3 days is a great start and you'll find that your body adjusts after the first initial couple of weeks - just be good to yourself it's not the time to be worrying about your weight.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

