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oh dear

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    oh dear

    seriously struggling today with cravings. I did yesterday and made it through. I'm stuffing myself with food ,sugary food in the hope that it'll ease. week and 1/2 sober so far

    oh dear

    Stay strong Michelle:-)

    I always find doing some sort of activity can help re-direct my thoughts to something positive -- maybe a walk or a good book?
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      oh dear

      Good for you Michelle! I've had a few days where it's pretty much al I thought about too..I had to do something to keep myself busy. Maybe treat yourself to something nice today?


        oh dear

        Those cravings are nasty, keep busy, remind yourself why you aren't drinking and pat yourself on the back for making it through..:goodjob:


          oh dear

          lil, michelle there a a couple threads around here that are good reads for two perspectives. One is What I Can't Stand, Loathe About Drinking (something like that) and another is What I Love About My AF Life (something like that). Look in Long Term Abstainers section and look at the Relapse thread by Marshy, and there are some great posts by Mario. Those kinds of things will help you shift your thinking.

          OR, go to a movie or go play putt putt or something to take drinking thoughts entirely off the page.

          It's up to you, and you can win today's battle. I know you can!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            oh dear

            Hang in there Michelle. Those cravings come out of nowhere for me, too, and then they disappear for awhile and then suddenly reappear when least expected! Good advice on this thread, keep busy and keep posting and reading! This can take up an evening in itself!
            Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


              oh dear

              ugh, those cravings are incredibly hard(!!) to resist in the beginning. I know cause I've folded to them so many times. I find limiting coffee and eating healthy food often is a great help to me along with the key supplements. Hang in there and sit 'em out they will pass and the best thing is the more you get through those terrible cravings the easier it does get but you will still get one out of seemingly nowhere every so often. Drink plenty of water, best to you through the tough times.


                oh dear

                I know this is really bad...but I chew ice!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  oh dear

                  mama bear;1001564 wrote: I know this is really bad...but I chew ice!!
                  Yep - that seriously helps. I don't know what it is...maybe the shooting pain in your teeth takes away from the cravings!

                  Michelle - seriously, it is so hard sometimes, but stay close and stay strong. You can do this! :goodjob: You have friends here rooting for you!
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    oh dear

                    Hi lil.Michelle

                    Be strong you can do it, I can't say i've tried chewing ice but when I get a craving I drink gallons of water and if I still feel a craving after guzzleing down a few nice glasses of cold water with ice then I have a sandwhich, sometimes cornbeef & pickle, sometimes just a slice of wholemeal bread with real butter, yum much better for you and I think the water starts to re-train your brain to let you know when you are full, casue if you drink lots of water and still feel a craving, it could be that your tummy is telling your brain you are hungry but it is being mistaken for a craving, sounds crazy but it works for me.

                    Stay Strong & be well.

                    Sober since 01/11/10 GMT


                      oh dear

                      I remember someone here (Eveylou) used to chew ice as well..but her condition was medical.


                        oh dear

                        hi lil M,i didnt catch your thread the other day,i hope you made out ok,but then what is ok,beating yourself up cause were trying to stay sober,or beating ourselfs up because we drink,i no my delema for years was just like yours,i stopped counting days,cause i had to look at what i accomplished every day,check mark,or an X,but i did accomplish 16 years at one time,that made me feel great,but i was young ,the 1st 16 years of my life,and then yet i struggled with learning,for the years i went to school,couldnt concentrate,now was that cause i came from a line of heavy drinkers,who knows,i have suicide in my family,mental illness and other illnesses,from 17 to 45 life went fairly well,stopped several times on my own,years at a time,after 45 ive been thro AA,hospital wards,[mental wards]plus rehab to boot,here,what your doing rt now is probably the only thing that will help,other then being [labotamised,and heaven forbid ,it was done to thousands]talking to people just like yourself,me and others here,you have to lern one thing,to forgive yourself,i think your doin fabulous,everything else will come in stages,get thro the hour,nevr mind the day,wishing you welll gyco see i didnt even critisise you,theere is hope


                          oh dear


                          So how did yesterday go, lil'michelle?
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            oh dear

                            I stayed 100% sober =D I'm having bad cravings again today and a rude ex friend of mine has been sooo rude and horrible towards me, talking to me like shit is putting it nicely. After all this time.. why contact me, want our friendship back just to do that... NAH like i said, i don't need his friendship anymore so he can go treat is other friends like crap. Just made craving sooo much worse but NO i'm not messing around anymore. I'm not upsetting myself and my family over a liquid... No way. Just wish i was feeling stronger. Iswear things are sent to test us!


                              oh dear

                              Lil.M - it's not worth it to let others upset us. You have to cut off contact with people who do not treat you with respect and you have to stay away from the triggers as much as possible. And try to not dwell on those mean words and the cravings. Do something to take your mind off of them. Read a book, go to a movie or rent a DVD. Go for coffee with someone who's company you enjoy, clean out a closet and see how good you feel afterward. Cook yourself a special dinner. Write a list of why you are so much better without AL. Come hear and read and post. Go to chat if you need to talk. Anything to make you feel better and forget about negative things and AL.
                              Things will be sent to test us and we can get over them. Best of luck.
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

