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Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Do I want to stop, really? I think I do, but sometimes I think I don't. And, when I don't, I wonder - usually not long enough - if its not the thing doing my thinking. I want it very badly in the mornings, and then my resolve fades to mostly nothing in the afternoons. I forget how badly I wanted it, or why, or that I wanted it at all. Until the next morning. When I remember - that I need to quit, need to stop, want to quit, want to stop. Any ideas, tips, thoughts re. merging my morning clarity into my afternoon dipsomania? confused:Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.Tags: None
Any ideas?
I think thats why it makes it so hard to give up...Part of me really enjoys alcahol..( at the time its great ) its the other 75% of my life that has to suffer because of it....And thats not acceptable.I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Any ideas?
This was my first post back in mid-July. " It's morning so I want to stop."
I read the book first, began exercise second, bought multi-vitamins third, next tried to cut down from 2 bottles per night to one bottle. The next step was to try an odd night AF ( alcohol-free ). Now I am trying to do 30 days AF before going back to half a bottle now and again. I am on day 17. Hope you find the help you want on here. :welcome:
I'm not claiming to have cracked it but I am claiming lots of progress to where I want to be. And it's thanks to this board.Enough is enough
Any ideas?
I can definitely relate to the resolve in the morning and the 'dissolve' in the afternoon. For me it's partly just habit - my body has come to expect alcohol in the early evening. And it's not just an after-work thing, because on the weekends I have no desire until the daylight starts fading, then it's like a switch is turned on. No good suggestions here, I'm afraid, as I'm just starting out (5 days AF). Every evening I try to have a list of things to keep me busy, and I bought lots of my favorite sodas. But mentally I'm still rationalizing. Maybe you could write down a reason for stopping each morning, and look at it in the afternoon (I know, it's not like you're forgetting). I think you're right that the thing is doing the thinking.AF since 6JUN2012
Any ideas?
Resolve and dissolve. That's good Pixie. My therapist said what you just did; that the brain gets used to being "fed" alcohol at around the same time every day. It is ignoring the whining of your brain that is the challenge.......I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Any ideas?
I found another really good site if you want to stop cold turkey. it's called Rational recovery. Basically they say the brain works in two ways -- it has an impulsive part (what they call the "beast brain" but I can't remember the real name for it) and a rational part, which is the neocortex. The beast brain drives us to want drink and will do anything to convicne us we need it. But we have to remember that we are not just a beast brain -- we are a neocortex as well - -we're rational! We can choose if we want to. So ignoring the beast brain is the way to go. here's the site: Rational Recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction treatment, recovery group disorder, non AA, non 12-step, cocaine, herion, sex addiction. have a read of the main page then click on the link on the left menu called "recover now". it's free. Sharon
Any ideas?
rational recovery
Thanks, Brizkid. I;ve read the RR book some years ago while in rehab. (rehab threw everything they had at me because I rejected AA. I'm an atheist, and as AA swears the 12 steps are not "faith" based, they are. Its hard for people to understand that an atheist cannot grasp, fundamentally, the concept of a "higher" power. Besides, AA has an almost 100% failure rate and seems more interested in recruiting you, than helping you. Just chose a different path while in rehab and watch the mob turn against you. S'okay, as an atheist, I'm used to such things). Another thing re. AA (and I don't mean on be on a soap-box, but these are reasons why AA isn't a good program): everyone is full of shit. Every single person I was in rehab with, "relapsed" and most while in rehab. Full of shit but not full of help. Tell a person they are powerless, and they respond as victims, waiting for that higher power to come and rescue them. Not going to happen without a lot of effort and responsibility.
RR talks of the "mid-brain" where the addiction lives. Their format is cognitive restructuring - recognizing the mid-brain when it starts its whining, and shutting it down. Highly effective, I think. Like this program. But, you gotta want it - like this program.
Day four of abs. I'm not dizzy when I wake up, I don't stink from last night. So far, real good.
THANKS for reminding me of the RR book. I completely forgot about it. Another good tool I'll get.Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.
Any ideas?
Bluemoon wrote: Day four of abs. I'm not dizzy when I wake up, I don't stink from last night. So far, real good.
THANKS for reminding me of the RR book. I completely forgot about it. Another good tool I'll get.
Good Luck!Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."
Any ideas?
What a day!
Im new. I first looked at this site yesterday and what a revalation to know that whilst I feel lonely Im actually not. Everyone is there for everyone else.
I want to crack this problem I have but cant talk to anyone here about it so I will value all your support