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New looking for encouragement

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    New looking for encouragement

    Ironically I started drinking heavily when my dad was diagnosed with (alchoholic) liver disease and spent much of last year in the hospital. He has been an alchoholic my entire life but I hadn't lived with him since I was 3 so it wasn't "my problem". I didn't know how to deal with it, and I was in charge of everything since I was the oldest of 2 daughters, and my dad was divorced with few friends, no lady friend, and my grandparents had passed.
    He's home now and on the list for a liver transplant. He's been sober for over 2 years which I really admire now that I'm on this cycle I cannot stop. I'm too embarrased to tell anybody, but I drink too much and want to stop. I hide it from my husband (I hate mixed drinks so I make vodka/diet coke drinks--he never guesses) and once and a while I'll get a bottle of wine but he thinks thats a big treat for me. I'll drink it all by myself.
    I quit for 1 week cuz I was on a bad antibiotic but picked up again quickly. I don't feel hung over after my vodka drinks-- maybe I'll have 3 or 4 but I want to stop!! I can't believe I'm hiding booze bottles, trying to be super quiet when opening sodas in the bar, etc.. Any advice would help. Thanks!!!!:new:

    New looking for encouragement

    Hi there,
    I'm new here too, but I do believe you've come to the right place.There are a lot of supportive and encouraging people here with the same problem as you so your not alone.I've been sober 24 days now and tho its really hard I just keep going a day at a time.I drank a bottle of vodka a day and when I cleared out all my hidden empties it sounded like a glass bomb going off when the garbage truck picked it up.
    Just hang on in there and try not to be too hard on yourself.Good luck.


      New looking for encouragement

      Thanks, I'll try to get out of this hole but tonight it's too late already. I mingle my glass in with each recycling pickup so its not noticable. LOL


        New looking for encouragement

        New & looking for enouragement

        stollies1 wrote: I drank a bottle of vodka a day and when I cleared out all my hidden empties it sounded like a glass bomb going off when the garbage truck picked it up.
        Just hang on in there and try not to be too hard on yourself.Good luck.

        Wow, I'm glad I never heard something like that. :H

        [QUOTE]I mingle my glass in with each recycling pickup so its not noticable.[/QUOTE}

        Hey, I never did that

        Amazing how we all do so many things alike!!
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          New looking for encouragement


          I need to quite bad. I have major depression after drinking on the weekends. I drink during the week as well. I need some words of encouragement. I don't want any part of AA. I quit 15 yrs ago for 2 years with AA. I just don't want to go back to those rooms.



            New looking for encouragement

            I'm new too. I've tried to quit five times now but always go back. I'm on my fifth day of withdrawal and am starting to feel better. Problem is, when I feel better, I want to drink again! The cravings are killing me. I don't want to go to AA either. I went to a couple of meetings and find a liftime of them a very depressing thought. As is the knowledge that I will never enjoy a good glass of wine or my beloved vodka again.

            I was drinking a pint or two of vodka per day and a bottle of wine. I must stop. I became a heavy drinker and subsequently an alcoholic after my divorce three years ago. It has really messed up my life but I am trying not to beat myself up.

            I live alone and still hid the bottles in the trash. It's all so humiliating! And people know. Especially the grocery clerks. Well, I intend to really put it behind me this time. Wish me luck.



              New looking for encouragement

              Good luck, Ids. This place will be helpful to you and the people are very nice.
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                New looking for encouragement

                Hi Guys, I am also new here and have already made one friend whom has been very supportive. My recycling always sounds like a bomb going off when it is emptied. I always manage to do about three days then I stumble. Feel really shitty the following day and try again. I hope like you all to one day kick the habit before it kicks me off the planet. Hang in there if you stumble get up, dust off and try again. This place is full of great support and inspiration. We are all here for each other as we are all very similar creatures.
                Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                  New looking for encouragement

                  boycie wrote: Hi Guys, I am also new here and have already made one friend whom has been very supportive. My recycling always sounds like a bomb going off when it is emptied. I always manage to do about three days then I stumble. Feel really shitty the following day and try again. I hope like you all to one day kick the habit before it kicks me off the planet. Hang in there if you stumble get up, dust off and try again. This place is full of great support and inspiration. We are all here for each other as we are all very similar creatures.
                  Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                    New looking for encouragement

                    Good Place

                    I also tried AA a few times in my quest to quit. It did not work for me, but afer a month on this site I like I'm making some progress. The people are very supportive and moderation is a nice option.

                    Keep posting.
                    Rice 80


                      New looking for encouragement

                      Rice .. I've been watching your drick tracker (cuz you are right below mine) and you are doing really good!

                      I have a game I have been playing with myself the past few days ... ok ... can I match Rice's success? Sounds silly but now I watch whatever you post on there!

                      Not to put any pressure on ya Hon! LOL

                      Keep it up! Are you doing the topa? I want ALL of your secrets!



                        New looking for encouragement

                        OOPS! I meant to also say hellio and welcome to the other newbies here! Been about 3 weeks for me ... no giant leaps but a good strong progression using just the supps and CDs ...

                        AA didn't work for me either ... there is something here that really seems to be!

                        AMAZING SUPPORT mixed with no shame and a healthy dose of giggles!



                          New looking for encouragement

                          I'm new and have been hiding my drinking from everyone (husband, family, friends) for 7 years. Now I really want to quit, and I really need to talk with someone, but don't want to reveal my secret to my husband. My craving really hits at about 5 PM. Maybe I should start coming to this website at that time to get some encouragement and share my misery. Also, does anyone live in the Twin Cities area of MN and would you like to actually speak on the phone if we develop a rapport and trust eachother? I don't know it it's cool to suggest that, I just know I really need to talk to someone 'live' and can't be on my computer all day long.
                          Thanks for listening!


                            New looking for encouragement

                            Hello everyone, it's nice to see so many other new people on this site. I've been here about 2 weeks, and I still find it amazing that there are so many people with similar experiences.

                            Amyeliza, I know what you mean, I defintely get the worst urges at 5-6pm every evening. I have started the supplements, including both kudzu and l-glutamine, and I think it's been helping. They say you can open up the l-glutamine capsule and put some on your tongue for a quick fix on the craving.

                            Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend.

                            AF since 6JUN2012

