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    Went away to a holistic outpatient rehab near a place that I vacation at and am happy I made the decision. I need a holistic approach rather than the AA way, plus it is a very positive approach to recovery, and doesn't center at all around drinking histories but moving forward with encouragement to better one's life and find alternative positive things to do rather than drinking. Wine was my choice....and a bottle or more most nights. it just interferes with sleep, productivity the next day, not to mention the long term affects (esp. being a woman) It will be hard but today is a start, and last night I only had 1/2 of a glass, and the night before nothing so I am happy. P.S. Not putting down AA. Did that many times in the past and it works very well for many people. I need something tailored more for my particular situation and this seems good, for now anyway, since I am doing many other healthy behaviors and the wine thing is getting in the way.


    Well done.
    What exactly does that sort of treatment entail?
    Diggin' being alive


      ONE DAY

      life is what it is

      justbeme;1005314 wrote: Went away to a holistic outpatient rehab near a place that I vacation at and am happy I made the decision. I need a holistic approach rather than the AA way, plus it is a very positive approach to recovery, and doesn't center at all around drinking histories but moving forward with encouragement to better one's life and find alternative positive things to do rather than drinking. Wine was my choice....and a bottle or more most nights. it just interferes with sleep, productivity the next day, not to mention the long term affects (esp. being a woman) It will be hard but today is a start, and last night I only had 1/2 of a glass, and the night before nothing so I am happy. P.S. Not putting down AA. Did that many times in the past and it works very well for many people. I need something tailored more for my particular situation and this seems good, for now anyway, since I am doing many other healthy behaviors and the wine thing is getting in the way.
      hi j b me,i beleive everyone has the right in our society to find and use whatever works,:Hor doesnt work:upset:a bottle of wine a day,or 2,over a hole day,is it so bad,that my dear is in the eye of the beholder,as far as AA,im not an AA thumper nor a bible thumper or any kind of a thumper,AA is not for all,the book tells you that,neither is MWO,all theese things we try to do,is to figure out what is wrong with us,it is not rocket science,just an xample,when i was in treatment and at rehab,one of the questions was on how much you spent on your drug of choice,which was also alchohol,simple math,150 dollars a month,that was my limit,anything over that.was to much,then i didnt drink just anything,i drank dramboie,at 40 bucks a pop,that 4 bottle s a month,a bottle a week,48 bottles a year,i said it in another thread,drinking has become a money maker in more ways then one,just think if the hole world stopped,how many peole would be out of work,and looking for different careers,hospital beds would be less full,there wouldnt be a doctor shortage,i do wish you well,:thanks:gyco


        ONE DAY

        That's great that you're finding a way - your way - whatever that may entail. I'd love to hear more! Where is is and can you give more details? Webiste link?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

