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    Day THREE


    Well day three n all seems to be going ok, night times are best..... the sleep.

    Not craving AL but some very strange bodily feelings going on, tiredness, bit achy, feel much better in mornings.

    Weekend will be a test.
    AF 3-3-11
    1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
    Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
    NF since 1992

    Day THREE

    Ronker, way to go. Just remember that every day when you wake up you will feel wonderful - with al, you'll feel like shite. I will stay sober for the sleep alone!!


      Day THREE

      Good going, Ronker, and welcome! :welcome:

      The first three days are often the toughest because your body's detoxing. Not surprised you feel kind of flu-y, and I'm very happy you can sleep--a lot of people have trouble with that in the early days.

      Visit, share, and read often (posts here and as many books on quitting you can get your hands on). Here are a few threads that help keep me on track:

      You're off to a great start.

      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Day THREE

        Seem to be getting a good few headaches too....

        and erm not sure how to put this, but lets just say the other end has been rather liquid!

        Sorry to be a bit graphic, but wondered if others had this too
        AF 3-3-11
        1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
        Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
        NF since 1992


          Day THREE


          I had headaches for almost 3 weeks after I came off of drinking. I was drinking heavily then...

          Drink lots of water. It helps.


            Day THREE

            Hang in there Ronker. The good news is that if you stay stopped, you won't have to go through this agonizing detox again. That was (and still lis) good motivation for me. You are doing great.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Day THREE

              Thanks for the encouragements..

              I'm a 5 oclock drinker, well was, 5pm till about 9pm, trouble is now i'm finding it hard to find something to do when i was drinking......IM BORED....

              I'm trying drinking soft drinks to give the habit something to do.

              I could cook but i used to drink and cook lots, so no real escape there.....

              Maybe i will go cut my acreage grass!!
              AF 3-3-11
              1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
              Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
              NF since 1992


                Day THREE

                your doing great Ronker , your right just keep busy , the amount of free time i have when i am not drinking or thinking about drinking is unreal . i seen someone post on this site than" all this drinking was so much hard work" and it's true all the buying, hiding and lost time with hangovers is such a waste
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Day THREE

                  Good work Ronker on 3 days.
                  Have you thought of reading a book to take up some of your new found spare time? There is always excercise but you can only do that for so long.
                  Diggin' being alive


                    Day THREE

                    WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up and no matter how strong and great you feel, do not listen to thoughts you'll have about AL. Don't pick up the first glass/can/bottle and you'll be fine. AL can play great mind games so never let your gaurd down!!!!!!! FANTASTIC JOB!

