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Day 1 of a journey

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    Day 1 of a journey

    Got to start sometime, looked at AA and not into religion and all why do i need to quit and take up someting else. Stopped smoking 1.5 month now and doing fine so time to quit the booze. When you wake up and cant remember the night befor this must meen something.

    Day 1 of a journey

    :welcome: perst

    :goodjob: on the smoking so now it's time to start tackling the alcohol.

    Have a look in the tool box link below to get your started.

    Keep reading, then read some more, keep posting and let us get to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Day 1 of a journey

      thanks will give it a try and let you know how it is going. Feeling a bit uncomfortable as it aproches the time I normaly rock up at the bar where I know wy wizzer will be waiting


        Day 1 of a journey

        Hi Pierst . I'm on day 19 AF , I did'nt think i would make it this far but i did , this is a great site , use it , read and post for help and as they say ODAT
        AF 5/jan/2011


          Day 1 of a journey


          Glad you have found MWO - lots of wonderful people here who will help you all they can.

          The toolbox link that Jackie gave you is a good one. Do you have anything like L-Glutamine to help you with cravings? There are lots of good tips scattered throughout the site, so be sure to read all that you have time for!! Also, post your questions and stick close to the site so people can help.



            Day 1 of a journey

            Welcome Pierst!
            I look forward to getting to know you and sharing in your journey. You CAN do this!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Day 1 of a journey

              THanks for all the support - made the weekend and now for the hard part the working week.


                Day 1 of a journey

                :goodjob: on the weekend pierst,

                If your normal routine during a working week is a quick stop at a bottle shop perhaps try a different rout home.Just a thought.
                Jump on here as soon as possible whe you're home and just read and read and read. It saved my bacon many a time in the early days.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Day 1 of a journey

                  Hey Pierst, congrats on making it through the weekeend. Keep adding those sober days together.
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    Day 1 of a journey

                    Day 5 - I joned a gym and went to a resturant and ordered a virgin mary. Quite a shock to the system. Couldnt stay long, I am sure this will get better later.


                      Day 1 of a journey

                      you are doing great, it does get easier
                      AF 5/jan/2011


                        Day 1 of a journey

                        Sounds like you're doing well, Pierst. Keep going - it gets better!


                          Day 1 of a journey

                          Still sober, the next isse is the wife hates it after she moned I was drinking too much. She want something in the middle. Is this posiable, I go to bars and drink cool drink or water or virgin cocktails, why would I need to drink if not to get drunk?????? any sugestions on how to handle this situation.


                            Day 1 of a journey

                            Not sure what you asking? Does she want you to go to bars with her and not drink? . If so it's a bit unfair of her to complain about you drinking too much and then draging you to a bar. Tell her you want to stop drinking / need to stop and let her go to the pub herself if need be. right now you are doing great do'nt let anyone stop you
                            AF 5/jan/2011


                              Day 1 of a journey

                              Hey Pierst, my wife also did this for a while. She of course wanted me to stop drinking a 1000 times, and she nearly left me over this issue (I could not live without my kids), so when I finally stopped, she was happy. Than after a few months, she started in with the "well can we at least have a glass of wine with a nice meal" etc. I think she had romance, or her ideal meal, linked with wine and eating. In addition, she started to feel guilty about her drinking any alcohol - because I wasn't. Anyway, I have maintained that it is her decision if, and how much she would like to drink, and I don't have anything to do with her decision. She no longer even considers asking me if I want a drink, it is past. Ironically, she rarely drinks anything anymore.

                              The thing that she does not understand, and may never, is that I don't want a beer, I want 12.

                              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

