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Just beginning

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    Just beginning

    Hi everyone,
    I have been going to this site for some time and decided this was the day to begin. I have never discussed my drinking problem with anyone. Has anyone tried the Starter Kits and what did you find most helpful. My cup of tea, is wine. My intake is escalating and want to become AF. I have been drinking wine over the past three years. Began as once or twice a week, now it is becoming just about everynight. I hate the way I feel the next day. I have gained some weight due to the wine consumption and I hate that. Over the past three years, I got divorced, by brother passed away one year ago, and my son is going through a bitter divorces with twins who are 3 three yrs old and I adore and love them very much. I have a stressful job with travel and I have never liked my job. It pays the bills, which I have many due to the divorce.
    I would like to purchase the Starter Kit and want some insight on if it really works, for I am a little skeptical. Thank you for listening and I am looking forward to reading your input.

    Just beginning

    I have never purchased the starter kit so I can't comment.Sorry.
    Just wanted to tell you it can be done and you will feel better for it.
    Cyber hugs to you.
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      Just beginning

      Thank you for responding Wally22.
      What worked for you?


        Just beginning

        :welcome: Miss Mess,

        I another one that didn't use the starter kit but there'll be someone along shortly who has. Just wanted to add my hellos and welcomes and look forward to getting to know you.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Just beginning

          hi hunni, welcome!
          I purchased the starter kit and everything else it say to get and to be honest, i didn't work for me at all. But that's not to say it wouldn't work for you!!! The one main thing you need is the willpower, no matter what supplements or drugs you take, nothing will work without a lot of will power.
          The best thing is to change your routine, keep busy, stay in touch with us, be honest with us and yourself and you'll get through this horribe thing.
          NEVER LISTEN to the AL thoughts! They creep up and bite you in the ass.. you'll get thoughts like one glass will not hurt, i need this because..... Just don't pick up that bottle hunni!! come to chat instead!


            Just beginning

            Hi Miss Mess.
            I didn't take the starter kit either, just wanted to :welcome: you as well.
            If you've been reading the posts for a while then you already know that this is a great bunch of people offering support to each other and some very good, sound advice.
            Here's a link to the Tool box which has some very good reading.
            Best of luck. Love your name BTW.
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Just beginning

              Hello and welcome MM.
              As mentioned the Toolbox is a great place to start and it really has days of reading to get through.
              Diggin' being alive


                Just beginning

                Hi MM, and welcome. It is a great first step that you are writing, and thinking about your problem. I don't have experience with the starter kit. I do have experience with the kind, caring, and helpful people that are here for you. Read lots here, write lots. You certainly do need to think about a plan, or figure out exactly what your goal is. From your email, it seems that you are looking to give up alcohol completely, is this your goal? Keep us posted. All the best.

                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Just beginning

                  Good Morning Everyone

                  I want to thank each and everyone of you for responding to me. I found that to be comforting to know there are people out there that care and understand. Yes, I am looking to give up alcohol. Last night, I thought about opeining a bottle of wine, but did not. It feels good this morning to feel alert and not tired, bloated and hungover. I look forward to the day. I will read the information in the Tool Kit and continue my journey. I will formulate a plan for the "bewitching hours" between 6pm and 9pm. Again, thanks for the support, I really need it.
                  Have a good day.


                    Just beginning


                    I did purchase the starter kit, but when I very first started, I just had L-Glutamine. That seemed to help me. I've just gotten going on the starter kit, so jury is still out on that. I have to say that my cravings are minimized, so I think it is all helping.

                    Just wanted to say a couple of other things. I really think the key to giving up alcohol is the realization that you're not giving up ANYTHING except putting poison into your body. I would highly recommend the book: The Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr. That book enabled me to make a switch in my mental thinking such that I don't need willpower. That, along with this website, exercise, good food, and a supportive husband have kept me sober.

                    Here are a couple of other things on the site that might be helpful for you.



                    There is so much more on this site - just explore and spend as much time here as you can.



                      Just beginning

                      Hello Miss Mess.
                      I can't tell you anything about the starter kits as I didn't use them though I did find certain things available here very useful, particularly the hypno CDs, I was a bit skeptical too but I approached with an open mind and a willingness to accept whatever might work.
                      Good luck going forward.


                        Just beginning

                        Hi Miss Mess and welcome - yep I'm afraid I'm another starter kit failure - never got it! I found this site at a very bad time in my life and fell into it reading at first and then tentatively posting. Have to admit shamefully not even knowing there was a book or a starter kit or cd's or anything besides the site for quite some time, by that time I reckoned I'd stayed sober without them and have never ventured. I s'pose we all have our own ways of getting there so whatever feels right - go for it!!:welcome:
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Just beginning

                          Hi Miss,

                          I didn't get the starter kit, either. I read Jewels' story on the main page (I related to A LOT of it), then took the information and went looking on my own from there, and joined this board. I've used self-hypnosis tapes, but not the ones available here--they seemed to help, although it may just be that they help me calm down (I'm wired high).

                          I don't take any drugs, although I ordered them and keep them on hand in case I need them. I don't take herbals, but take a multivitamin and try to exercise regularly. These also seem to help.

                          I've read a lot of books on addiction and recovery too; some favorites are

                          Lit by Mary Karr
                          Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp
                          Dry: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs
                          The Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Allen Carr
                          Sober for Good by Anne Fletcher


                          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                            Just beginning

                            Hi Miss who won't be a mess anymore. I used the starter kit after a relapse here seven months ago. I haven't had a drink since. The starter kit was important as it signified to me how serious I was to put the drinking madness behind me. So I do recommend it, but L-Glut has been my weapon of choice. I wish you the very best and when those vulnerable hours come about, you'll find some solace and a helping hand here at MWO. Look forward to hearing more from you...John
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Just beginning

                              Hi Miss-I didn't purchase the starter kit from MWO but I did download the book the day I decided I had hit my bottom and I read the whole thing that nite. I sent away for the hypno tapes and the All One powder and then the next day I went shopping for all the supplements recommended in the book (I think there were more than what is in the starter kit). I was able to find every thing very easily at drug stores and health food shops.
                              The tapes didn't do much for me-I can't sit still long enough to actually listen to them. The supps are what did it for me, and of course, making my first post and then posting and reading, posting and reading. I had 2 one night relapses over my first 2 months of my journey and I've been AF since the second one ever since. I took the supps for about 3 or 4 months, much longer than MWO recommends. I now take a few still and I mix things up-it depends on how I'm feeling and what my cravings are. These days most of my cravings are for sugar so I'm concentrating on the L-Glut and the GABA.
                              The toolbox was huge for me. I actually printed out an essay someone wrote, framed it and read it every day and night to give me strength. I started a gratitude thread, a journal thread, joined the Newbies Nest and made tons of friends. Now I mostly hang out in the Monthly Abstainers forum on a couple of threads there. When I'm really feeling the cravings (which is rare these days but they do happen) I'll go into Chat if I need instant feedback and help.
                              I've also been reading anything I can get from my library on addiction. My favorite is Mary Carr's Lit so far. I didn't care for Alan Carr but that's just my opinion.
                              This can be done if you really want it. There is no one magic bullet or pill-it's a lot of hard work and you must be ready to face whatever being AF will uncover. There are lots of resources tho to help you face those things. Some people experience worse things than others and one can really learn and be inspired by their stories.

                              I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you around as a frequent contributer.

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

