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    Well here i am at day 5, this would have to be the most AF I have been in 15years of daily drinking with only the occasional AF day here n there for the odd reason.

    I used to try towards the latter part of my drinking to have an AF day once a week but seldom managed it, so 5 days is a bit of a milestone for me.

    Prob hardest bit is lack of support from wife, who thinks it should be over in a day, and if i do fall off it will be because she has annoyed me over something.... marraige eh?

    Its like a deck of cards... you start with 2 hearts n a diamond, but end up looking for a club and a spade

    oh well will see how it goes, i watched football last night, a BIG trigger for me, i ALWAYS drink n watch the game, strangely was ok.

    i do find myself feeling better but everyday i seem to live just to get to bed, as its my safety zone, i wont drink in bed.

    Getting to bed is the highlight of the day,,, and not for sexual reasons,, guess thats a bit sad that my life has come to this...looking forward to bed!!

    i used to look forward to a nice evening meal but it was a drinking session too, drinking while cooking, yes i cook, and then wine with it.

    I'm kinda hanging in there cos i know it will take me 5 days to better it again if i fall off.

    Good luck to all
    AF 3-3-11
    1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
    Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
    NF since 1992


    Way to go, Ronker! Five days is a helluva' milestone and, as you say, not to be taken lightly. And just between you and me, I've always thought that going to bed is the highlight of the day. Married, not married, boyfriend, no boyfriend - there's nothing like getting to take a break and sleep for a while. Pleasant dreams!!! Keep on!
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      DAY FIVE

      Day 6 for me and half way through the weekend. Actually starting to feel a little better when not bored with myself. Just trying to stay busy. Next goal to get through football tomorrow AF.
      I agree about going to bed-best part of the day!


        DAY FIVE

        :goodjob: Ronker and Woody :l

        I remember day 5 and 6 and it is HUGE!! Keep up the good work. If you can, don't worry about spending too much time in bed. Your body and mind are in overdrive with the changes your going through. It was SO hard for me to leave my bed/safe place in the early days. I remember worrying about it... it will get better. Sorry to hear the wife isn't understanding the process at the moment, hopefully the longer you stick with it the more support she will be able to give. If she's not an alkie herself it's very hard for them to understand the problem. Usually our drinking has had a negative effect on the ones we love and their patience runs thin. Unfortunately especially when we are trying our best to do something about it. My partner and family didn't really take me serious until I hit about 2 weeks. Thank goodness for MWO. Because the early days (at least I think) are some of the real tough ones.

        :h Choice


          DAY FIVE

          Ronker and Woody,

          Keep up the good work. It's so hard in the beginning because there are so many associations with alcohol. It does get better.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            DAY FIVE

            Welcome Ronker & Woody!

            Just wanted to say hello & congrats for your AF days! Just keep going, no matter what & you will love the results

            Keeping yourself as busy as possible really helps & if you have the Hypno CDs, use them. They really helped me learn to relax without AL & change my thinking.If you are lucky enough to be sleeping well then go for it!! So many of us have fairly severe sleep problems when first going AF. Enjoy the extra sleep!

            Stay close to MWO - this is a good place

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              DAY FIVE

              Ronker and Woody. Well done folks (not sure if you are male or female). Day 5 and 6 are hopefully the days when the withdrawal symptoms are almost gone, except for the fatigue!!!! Now you are climbing back out of the tunnel it is a good time to reflect on why you want to do this, as it can be a time of great temptation. When you feel better your mind can start whispering to you that "its not that bad" Maybe I can have one! Hah One! What an old classic that is! If we could stop at one, we would never be in this place to begin with. Do you have a nutrition plan in place. I limit sugar, caffeine and all processed food. The body takes a hell of a biochemical hiding when we are drinking and it takes a good while for it to repair. A lot of us here take supplements also. I recommend a book called "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" by Dr. Joan Larson Phd. It is a fabulous book with very detailed lists of vitamins, amino acids and dietary suggestions to help you to get the most out of your sobriety by repairing your digestive, nervous systems. All the best with your efforts. Love and grace, Saff
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                DAY FIVE

                Ronker :goodjob:
                That is excellent! You should be very proud of yourself. And I'm sorry your wife doesn't get it. It's hard enough to make this change without support at home.

                I can also relate to the "cooking trigger"! That is a big one for me as well. Cooking and wine have gone hand in hand for as long as I can remember...but then again wine has pretty gone hand in hand with every aspect of my life. Until now!

                I'm pulling for ya!
                "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                Sam - AF since 12/11/10


                  DAY FIVE


                  thanks for all kind replies.....

                  I'm very close to jackin it in, wife pissin me off so much i feel like going getting a carton of beer n gettin drunk.

                  Everything her her her, i'm bustin a gut here n ZERO support.

                  She drinks too, not as much as i did, but continues to in front of me also, sometimes i hate her!!

                  trying to be strong!!
                  AF 3-3-11
                  1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
                  Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
                  NF since 1992


                    DAY FIVE

                    Oh no! Sounds like a bad situation for you at the moment Ronker. Good job for posting!! That's much better then drinking, so you are being strong. If you can, just go one hour at a time now. Hold on to what YOU have worked hard at the past 5 days. It is about you, you can do it. If hours get to hard... go 1/2 hours... when I started sometimes it was 5 min at a time. You can do it. :l Keep close to the boards. :h


                      DAY FIVE

                      Hey Ronker,
                      Have you ever heard the phrase "clean living is the best revenge"?? By stopping drinking, you will get healthy and fit (while she continues to drink and decline). Being healthy will give you all the power. And then, when you are thinking clearly, you will have options - like leaving, if you feel so inclined! Life is too short to live it with someone you despise. Don't give her your power. You have already proven that you are capable of doing this! You deserve to be happy :thumbs:
                      "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                      Sam - AF since 12/11/10


                        DAY FIVE


                        Don't let someone else take away your healthy life as Sam says. Do this for yourself. It will definitely be harder with a stressful situation but if you can get some days going you will start to feel better and stronger. Get enough days and you'll be reluctant to compromise them.

                        Sending you peace and strength,



                          DAY FIVE

                          hi Ronker , have to agree with Choochie do this for your self , it's your life, five days is great . ODAT
                          AF 5/jan/2011


                            DAY FIVE

                            Hi Ronker and Woody, lt is tough at the beginning - but every single day now will bring a new revelation - you'll be sleeping better, your skin will improve, you'll probably loose some weight, self esteem returns - it is brilliant and it is rewarding very early on, and yes it is for yourself - get a few weeks sober and then you'll know where your wife is coming from - is she being bitter from past bad drinking times, are you horrendous drying out or is she just being a bitch? You'll know soon enough, just keep quiet for a while and GO TO BED!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              DAY FIVE

                              Thanks for all replies......

                              Made it to day 6, not sure if should do new posts or just continue one? dont wanna clog up board with petty posts ?

                              Feel really funny, sort of buzzy but very strange feelings, kind of tingling, bit of ache, hard to describe, taking calms at night maybe something to do with that...

                              Feels like a bit dizzy when sitting still, as though your moving, wierd, but guess all part of the detox.

                              oh well on with it

                              AF 3-3-11
                              1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
                              Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
                              NF since 1992

