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    Awesome job on day 6 Ronker. Congrats to you. It's hard, I know. My husband drinks in front of me (beer) but it's not because he is not supportive, he just has no clue whatsoever. And I don't really like beer so I just deal wth it. If he was drinking a nice California Cabernet in front of me, well that would be war... All kidding aside, I am sorry your wife doesn't support you or seem to understand your struggles. When I tried to stop years and years ago, my ex husband would sabotage my efforts purposely. It was horrible. Maybe she feels maybe she drinks too much and if you stop maybe it makes her feel guilty? Who know what people think. But listen to the wise people who posted before me - keep strong for YOU. Many times when you get healthy, the people around you get a clue. I wish you luck and happiness and keep us posted!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      DAY FIVE

      I am SO PROUD of you Ronker for getting through a tough situation. You can keep posting on this thread or start a new one it truly is up to you. One thing for sure is your posts and threads are in no way petty. Trust me there is always someone out there with amazing advice who has been there done that. Part of recovery is to post as much as you can, not only does it help you but it helps others who relate to the same situation your in which helps you. Your symptoms are normal. If you can water with lemon is a good way to hydrate and detox. Take care you yourself, your stronger then you know. :h

