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Alcoholic or mid life crisis

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    Alcoholic or mid life crisis

    Can I buy these supplements in the UK?
    Last drink 6th September 2013


      Alcoholic or mid life crisis

      Just adding my hellos and welcomes Softy,

      I know you can get the L-glut in most health food shops either in tablet form or powder. Don't worry if the powder comes under the body building section, it's the same stuff and really helps with the cravings.
      Not sure about the others but I'm sure someone will be along in a minute.

      And a big hello to you, Shoot
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Alcoholic or mid life crisis

        Welcome to MWO. It has been very helpful to many. I wonder if you can remember how you felt the last time you had 3 months AF. Did you feel healthy, well, confident, and in control? If so that is available to you again! (and for more than 3 months if you so choose) Good luck. One thing that makes quitting the drink harder is stress. You are under a lot of it, and a lot of it is self induced. I agree you should try to avoid any unnecessary drama right now in your relationships or work.
        Good luck and keep us posted


          Alcoholic or mid life crisis

          Free your mind and your ass will follow - I read that somewhere. I need to get free of all the stuff in my head and you rightly say it is becoming self harm. I can choose to back off and get myself straight or I could carry on a drive myself into further emotional turmoil. Seems simple but if it were only that easy eh? Thanks for the support, this site has really helped me today.
          Last drink 6th September 2013


            Alcoholic or mid life crisis

            I am new here. I am a 45 year old, single mother, i own a business and am quite successful. I am, and always have been a bit of a binge drinker. I don't drink everyday and i probably only drink maybe once or twice every couple of weeks. The problem i have is that when i do drink, i dont know when to stop! I drink so much that i have black outs almost every time. I always have a lot of fun when i drink and party, but i do feel very ashamed and embarrased when i dont remember parts of the evening. THen i worry that i have made an a** of myself and i just dont know! Last night, i was at at very formal fundraiser dinner and by the end of the evening was very hammered. I feel embarassed that i might have made an idiot of myself, but the worst thing is that i dont remember. Almost worse than the blacking out, is the guilt that i feel when i get up. And the concern that i have is that THIS ALWAYS happens this way! I wish i could get a handle on it, but i dont seem to be able too. I always say to myself that never again, and then the next time, i just do it all over again. I would like to try and just drink more socially, but i dont know that i can even do that. Does trying to cut down the drinking ever work or is that just a cop out for not wanting to quit completely? I am not dependant on alcohol and i dont suffer any withdrawls if i dont have any..but socially, it seems to fit with every occassion. I never say no.

            Im not really sure what to do next.


              Alcoholic or mid life crisis

              Hi Flygirl and Softy, welcome to MWO and good luck with both your journeys
              Sober since 2nd November 2010!

              "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                Hi Flygirl! There are many people here who can relate to that "oh god, what did I do or say last night" feeling:

                Welcome (and to you too, Softy), and keep reading!

                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                  :welcome: Welcome Flygirl - your situation is different in that you don't drink often but binge when you do drink. Do you know what you want to try? We can guide you better if you know which direction you want to go. I personally can't moderate and am sober 48 days with the help of this site and other things like supplements, exercise, organic diet, etc.

                  I think there are people here who are successfully moderating, but you're already moderating - you just need a way to not go overboard when you drink. Some of the people having success with medications are on the medication thread that you'll find on the first page.

                  There is a lot of information on the site - so explore and take lots of time to read. Post more and tell us what you think you want to do. Then, we can direct you better.



                    Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                    Ultimately i would like to learn to drink socially, and i have tried to do that but rarely have had any successt. Sometimes when i try really really hard i can do it, but for the most part, i have a couple and then its like "party time" and all reason goes out the window. I am a very fun loving person, and always have a really good time, but im thinking at my age, its time that i grew up and stopped trying to be the party girl. So... to answer your question, that is what i would like to do...learn to drink socially.


                      Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                      FG - not long ago I was like you. I was definitely the life of the party and got drunker than a lot of the other people. I had a blast and others had fun with me because I got so drunk. But, in conjunction with being the party girl, I also drank at home. Then, it just kept progressing to the point where the alcohol was ruining my sleep, therefore giving me a hangover every day.

                      With you, though, I don't take it that you're drinking during the week - only when you party. You might ask some of the people on the Meds thread if Balcofen could be used for this purpose - I'm just not well-versed on the meds.

                      Wish I could be of more help. You might want to post a question on the General Discussion Tab and see if any of the veterans have a suggestion. I'm better at helping people who are looking to stop drinking.

                      You just start a new thread, give it a title, and then ask your question. Let me know if you need help doing that. But, be sure to either do it under the Just Starting Out tab or the General Discussion tab. Hope that at least gets you started.



                        Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                        awesome..thanks for your help!


                          Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                          FG it has hit me at a similar age to you that I am not happy despite having everything I want (house nice wife two dogs car good job etc) so there must be something deeper making me want to be drunk every night, I need to find out what is missing. It maybe that we went through ivf a few years ago because we can't have kids and tHat failed. Maybe that is driving it, or maybe it is just the habit I have fallen into. It seems to be the only thing I live for is the two hours before bed when I get totally plastered. There has to be more to life. But I enjoy drinking.I can not deny that is a fact. But do I enjoy it more than the pain of obsession, guilt, and emotional turmoil? I hope to find out the answer is NO. It should be no but it doesn't feel that simple. Like a moth to a flame I seem unable to be thankful for what I have and I want to throw if all away. I wish I understood why. A clear mind will give me more chance of finding the answer to that , well that is the hope. Liver pains and chest pains at my age are worrying me so much I am too scared to see a doc and tell him. I feel too ashamed to admit to him that I have lied continually about my drinking levels. Feel cornered at the moment but its only day two - keep on keeping on and it WILL get better
                          Last drink 6th September 2013


                            Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                            Gday Softy,

                            Day 2 for you and I hope you are feeling better. Maybe not though as I remember my day 2's were hell on earth. There is a better life out there waiting for you without getting drunk every night and suffering the fatigue, depression and confused thinking the next day. As you probably know, alcohol is a depressant and all on its own can create a serious emotional and mental problem in depression/anxiety. You are trying to work out the why's at the moment...I am not sure that this is helpful in the early stages of recovery. It takes too much energy and you need that to focus on getting free of the grog. That self analysis will come later! Are you detoxing your body? lots of water, perhaps an electolyte replacement such as gatorade; some B vitamins (lots) Vitamin C, L-Glutamine; Magnesium and Calcium. Taking these basic supps will help wil biochemical repair and reduce your cravings. If you would like a more comphrensive list with amounts to take etc. PM me. Life on lifes terms without looking at the bottom of the bottom of a bottle is truly liberating. An old saying that sticks in my mind (there isnt a single problem that alcohol cant make worse). Strength and grace Saff
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                              No sups yet as I have dived in without preparation. I take an SSRI
                              for depression (Escitalopram) and take a cod liver oil with added vitamins each day. Plenty of water is all so far. Still trying to switch off from the mess I have created for myself mentally. Keeping busy has helped today. Tomorrow I am driving for seven hours to a meeting and back and it is me in the car with the colleague I have become fixated with. It seemed like a great idea last week, just the two of us together for all that time. Now I am terrified but cannot back out without letting down a customer. What a mess I have engineered. What an idiot I am! Just got to play it cool and not get drawn in.
                              Last drink 6th September 2013


                                Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                                I have just read that back and need a drink:upset: but no, I am going to get off to bed and ensure I complete day two Goodnight one and all. And once again :thanks:
                                Last drink 6th September 2013

