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Alcoholic or mid life crisis

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    Alcoholic or mid life crisis

    Sorry all been in hell the last two weeks and still there - I have been dipping into mwo but am not strong enough to resist the temptations and the drink is propelling me to the dark end. Back to the song titles there was a song called That woman's got me drinking. Well it's not her fault. I am heading into the abyss. Still boozing. Still hiding bottles. Have now arranged a business trip with her so we can stay over night alone next week. Think she is as scared as me as I am her boss she can't say no. Still haven't made a move but can see me in the barrel heading to niagara falls. Oh bollocks....if drink don't take me first.........
    Last drink 6th September 2013


      Alcoholic or mid life crisis

      Softy...have not met you yet, but STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You are risking your job with this woman. Can you afford that??
      You could end up in a lawsuit since you are her boss.
      Please stop sweetie and think HARD about what you are doing.....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Alcoholic or mid life crisis

        Ditto to MAMA,
        Obsession is NOT the same as Love.
        this can go nowhere good and you already KNOW that.
        So what if she succumbs to your "charms". You won't ever know why since you are her boss. Why pursue someone you cay cannot say no? What is the value in that for either of you. You deserve better. You are married, right? Why would your put your whole life and everyone else's in such jepordy. Cancel the meeting, get straight with yourself and focus on doing the right thing.
        Good luck


          Alcoholic or mid life crisis

          someone who cannot say no


            Alcoholic or mid life crisis

            With a clearer head (although hungover - again:boohoo I can see this madness unfolding in front of me. I still have a chance to gain control. Start today I will be 4 days clean by Wednesday. With straight head I will be professional not obsessional. Keep a distance between us and fight this all the way. You are right - I have too much to lose.
            Last drink 6th September 2013


              Alcoholic or mid life crisis

              softy when we drink we do not think straight . and from everthing you have said your not thinking straight , you have to bite the bullet here .keep sober today , just worry about today now , tomorrow is tomorrow. If not you could make one big mistake that will really leave you with nothing
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                I can see this madness unfolding in front of me. >>

                It's not in front of you Softy; you're in it.

                If this woman's afraid of you because you're abusing your superior position, your employer already has grounds for dismissal for sexual harassment, and you've set yourself up for additional criminal charges. There is nothing even vaguely romantic in what you describe, only pathos and delusion. You're using this woman (and your family) as tools in your chosen path of self-destruction. You can choose to stay on that path, but you don't have the right to take others down with you. You also can choose to get professional help both for your alcoholism and your obsessional behavior.

                First law of holes: when you're in one, stop digging. If you arranged this trip for Wednesday, you can un-arrange it.

                As Sunny said, it's time to get straight with yourself, with help as needed and widely available.

                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                  Still struggling

                  Hello all Over a month since I posted and life is still no better but I took everyones advice here and saved my marriage. Still drinking heavy though. Thick head this morning and have to drive to a meeting. Turns out my little friend has been playing me for a fool (which I guess I knew all along) It still hurts like hell though. When you fall for someone and open up your heart you expect either it will be returned or used against you at some point. I have retained most my dignity to a point but the price has been the amount I am drinking and the related depression. Hurting and drinking and with nobody to turn to makes you feel like a worthless piece of crud. Sorry all may just be morning after blues but I am bottling so much up I feel like going to the madhouse going to stay af today odat
                  Last drink 6th September 2013


                    Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                    Hi Softy its good to see you back, everything will improve so much in your life when you are AF, EVERYTHING . the first few days are hard but you have so much to gain and nothing to lose. you know if you keep going on this path how things will turn out. and things will get better soon not in years like i used to think
                    AF 5/jan/2011


                      Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                      Two weeks later

                      And AF for a fortnight - and things are starting to play out as the end game of all this madness unfolds in work. I have come out of this damaged to an extent but I dare to think how bad it would have got if I hadn't taken a hold of myself a couple of weeks ago. I have been able to implement a face saving strategy and maintain some respect from my peers but only just. I have had to eat humble pie. Drink got me in this mess. I am writing this so I have a record of the conclusion of this episode documented to refer back to should I ever find myself heading down this road again.
                      Last drink 6th September 2013


                        Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                        At this juncture I thought it vital to go back to this thread and review how shitty my life was. It still is although without the booze. It would be so tempting to run and hide in the booze at this moment but someone once said that if I drink, then instead of having my problems to deal with I would have the same problems to deal with plus a drink problem to go with it. In the words of the mighty Flaming Lips....

                        I'm a man
                        Not a boy
                        And there are things
                        You can't avoid
                        You have to face them
                        When you're not prepared
                        To face them

                        this rings true for me, life in your mid years just seems to be problem after problem and sadness and upset without an end. Why is life so shit.
                        Last drink 6th September 2013


                          Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                          One year ago

                          I posted this a year ago. Twelve months on I have lost my mother, kept my job, gone three months earlier in the year without booze. I am finishing the year drinking again, feeling unhealthy and out of control. I don't feel ready either to try and help myself. I just feel like this is my destiny and its not something I can stop. I need to lose weight, get rid of liver, kidney and pancreatic pains. I feel twinges in my chest and my heart feels tired. 44 years old and living like an old man due to booze. I am not posting this for sympathy. It's my problem. Nobody pours the damn stuff down my neck. I am not posting this for advice or support. I have abused the good nature of the fine people here too often. I am not receptive to it at the moment anyway. Maybe I am gearing up to help myself that's why I looked at the site.out of curiosity I searched to see what day it was last year that I first posted. I had a feeling it was late November. It is a coincidence (maybe an omen) that it was the same day last year. Anyways, people who need help often deny that they want it or are looking for it. I guess the fact that's am here at all today tells me what I need to know. Time for a think and do without a drink
                          Last drink 6th September 2013


                            Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                            Welcome Softy

                            It is very nice to get it out isn't it? You have
                            arrived at a good place. Lots of support here
                            from people with very similar stories.
                            I have some humdingers myself and something
                            finally clicked.
                            I agree with everyone else-you have to get
                            your head straightened out before you can deal
                            with anything else. Without alcohol you would
                            possibly make different decisions.
                            Take care and good luck!


                              Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                              Hello Softy, I'm sorry to hear you're sounding so sad and especially the loss of your mother. I can empathise on that one. Take one day at a time, as the saying goes. You've found yourself here for a reason. Try not to be hard on yourself and keep posting. Lots of folk here to help you. It's not your destiny if you don't want it to be. Hang in there and hang out here :l
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                Alcoholic or mid life crisis

                                Softy;1212711 wrote: I posted this a year ago. Twelve months on I have lost my mother, kept my job, gone three months earlier in the year without booze. I am finishing the year drinking again, feeling unhealthy and out of control. I don't feel ready either to try and help myself. I just feel like this is my destiny and its not something I can stop. I need to lose weight, get rid of liver, kidney and pancreatic pains. I feel twinges in my chest and my heart feels tired. 44 years old and living like an old man due to booze. I am not posting this for sympathy. It's my problem. Nobody pours the damn stuff down my neck. I am not posting this for advice or support. I have abused the good nature of the fine people here too often. I am not receptive to it at the moment anyway. Maybe I am gearing up to help myself that's why I looked at the site.out of curiosity I searched to see what day it was last year that I first posted. I had a feeling it was late November. It is a coincidence (maybe an omen) that it was the same day last year. Anyways, people who need help often deny that they want it or are looking for it. I guess the fact that's am here at all today tells me what I need to know. Time for a think and do without a drink
                                Whenever you are ready for help and support, we will all be here. :l We alkies gotta stick together! I'm sorry things aren't going so well right now. As you said in one of your mid-year posts, we can have our problems, or we can have our problems and a drinking problem to go with it. You know what you gotta do. We are here to help you do it.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

