But get this, I woke up this morning and felt REALLY bad, in fact so bad it was like a hang over, actually at one point when first awake I thought, holy shit did I get pissed last night.... this only lasted a few secs when I realised I obviously didnt but it felt like a hang over, although it only lasted about 45mins till it subsided, but I felt like i had been on the sauce!
Reading the replies to my 30,60,90 post, can alcohol stay in your body this long?? 8 days?
I been breath tested the moring after and ALWAYS passed cos I stop drinking mid evening.
Is this somehow alcohol still leeching out of my system and being expelled by my liver or is it still in my liver 8 days on??
Feel ok now but felt a bit ripped off earlier, hangover no good times the night before...lol