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Who has experiences PAWS..

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    Who has experiences PAWS..


    Who has experiences PAWS..

    Peace, so glad you made it through your rough spot. Guess we all know that they are inevitible. I look forward to hearing more specifics about how you got through it with PAWS. I'm only coming up on 60 days, and I've had my moments but they don't sound as severe as what you went through. I hope some of the people with more sobriety days come along to post. Thanks for staying active on the boards and I'm so happy that you overcame the desire to mod!:l


      Who has experiences PAWS..

      Hi Peace,
      I hope that you made it through yesterday. It is a tough battle, hold fast. I am still feeling a few aspects of PAWS. Social isolation is something I am dealing with. I preffer being alone, just with my family in my house at night, and that is weird. I was a social guy, lots of drinking buddies. In addition, the emotion fluctuations are still coming and going. The guilt and shame rests very strong with my some days, and I can't shake them.

      In addition, and I am totally serious, about 3 and 2 days before a full moon, I am really cranky, no patience, and not in a good mood. This is very unusual for me.

      Best of luck,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Who has experiences PAWS..

        I'm well set for this shite for the next goodness-knows-how-long and I'm really not looking forward to it.

        I'll be a regular on the threads I think!
        I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run.


          Who has experiences PAWS..


          The guilt and shame are playing heavy on my mind at this time and they are also rearing their ugly heads in the form of nightmares :upset:

          Just last night, every single stupid, idiotic, scary, dangerous thing I have ever done flashed through my mind - all of these episodes were AL fueled. If I was thinking my drinking wasn't too bad, I do now. I guess it's a good thing or a dealing with the past thing. It must be things that I never dealt with when I was sober before, hence the reason I started again.

          I am feeling better in that I know without a doubt I can't start drinking again, this time I may not make it and drink myself to death.

          Yes, I had some real tough times and some of them were self inflicted, but I am not that person anymore and the only way I can redeem myself to me is to remain sober.

          Also Hillside, I too notice a change in myself when the moon is full...


            Who has experiences PAWS..


            I too want to stay home and not be around others - I just don't enjoy being around other people these days. I think when I drank, it made situations "tolerable" in that I numbed out and had a good time, albeit a "phony" one because al made it unreal. Now, I think that curtain has been pulled back and that I'm just enjoying solitude a lot more. I'm ok with it. I think I'm just a solitary type of person. Someone posted a great description that I'll try to find - it was the difference in an introvert and extrovert. If I find it, I'll post. The introvert isn't shy necessarily - just enjoys doing things alone.

            Peace - I'm really glad that your thinking is clearing and that you're understanding what's going on with you. The dreams are probably letting you work things out in your subconscious.

            Kaje - I see you're back - think you've been here before. Let us know if we can help.

            Hope you guys have a good day.



              Who has experiences PAWS..

              I'm glad I saw this post. I didn't know that "PAWS" existed but it describes exactly how I feel. I am day 12 AF. Day 1-5 sucked feeling like crap, day 6-10 felt awesome. Now I don't know if I want to cry or kill someone. Likely one of my children but it's OK cause their 19,21 and 23 (kidding). It's a bigger deal to want to cry because I NEVER cry. It's like a news reel of all the bad, stupid and embarrassing things I've ever done running through my head. How come none of the good times ever come through like that???? I don't even like myself not drinking I'm not fun, I'm snapping at people and even people I adore are aggravating the crap out of me. I really don't have a desire to drink but need to do something to get through this. Worked all day then worked out hard tonight at the gym. Journaling before bed seems to help a little. I've only taken some Ativan and Trazadone to help sleep and vitamin supplements. So now I'm staying away from everyone and planning an early night. Not sure how much longer I can keep up this lifestyle. Hopefully this ends soon!


                Who has experiences PAWS..

                My dog ACE has Paws......hang in thier this too shall past ! Cowabonga Dude ! Tony
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Who has experiences PAWS..

                  IAD LOL:H Cute doggy. Woody, are you taking any supplements, L-Glutamine?? Do you think it would be better if you could get the help of your doctor? Let us know a little more and maybe some people here can give you advice. Doggy Girl is someone you could PM - she's been at this a long time and is really helpful - let us know. Just remember, you will get better -- just hang on and ride out these feelings - go to bed early if you can -- take a hot shower to relax. Do you have any of the hypno tapes or books to read. Remember you can always come here and post or go to the chat room. It takes a while to overcome all the years of drinking. Sending you peace and strength.


                    Who has experiences PAWS..

                    I cry over EVERYTHING....and I am isolating too. I stay on Netflix and get lost in old movies.
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Who has experiences PAWS..

                      I have been isolating too. In fact my daughter, sister, brother in law are all over at my parents house having a nice dinner. But I am home, I begged off since I'm "sick". I want to get back to the days where I feel like being around people again.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Who has experiences PAWS..

                        Hi everyone,

                        IAD - love your puppy

                        Here is a link to some PAWS info:

                        Post Acute Withdrawl - Relapse Prevention Specialists - TLC The Living Center

                        I was better knowing what the heck I am going through. However, it is very hard as I already suffer from Generalized Anxiety and obsess when stressed, this has triggered a high level of anxiety for me. I don't think I have ever been this anxious in my life. I am still going through some residual effects as I obsess over things incessantly but, I know this too shall pass. I hope soon as I don't know if I will remain sober if this continues for more than another week.

                        It is a roller coaster for sure, I am doing my best to keep strong:upset: I have tried anti anxiety meds in the past, but cannot tolerate the side effects. I am taking 5HTP and Gaba and other vitamin supplements.


                          Who has experiences PAWS..

                          Peace, do you really think getting on the alcohol roller coaster would hep you in the long run? Have you thought about counseling? Just seems that alcohol makes things worse, not better and that turning to it would be short-sided. If you're having that kind of anxiety maybe a therapist could help you through it??



                            Who has experiences PAWS..

                            Hi Choochie,

                            I have had counselling, went through EMD therapy and have tried 4 different anti depressants. I sounded despondent in my last post, but I will not drink. I went through a real stressful couple of weeks - health scare - and waiting on results which in itself is stressful. It is the second scare in a year and this year has been really hard on me emotionally.

                            I have taken steps in tackling this obsessive anxiety and will be joining a new support group that starts in a couple of weeks - confirmed after my last post. I am heading out to purchase some guided meditation CD's and reading lots. I am grabbing the bull by the horns this time to really, truly rid myself of this anxiety which fuels my cravings.

                            Thanks for everything, your support is truly appreciated :l:thanks:


                              Who has experiences PAWS..

                              Relieved to hear, Peace - just know that drinking is never the answer - we just trick ourselves into thinking it is. Sounds like you're doing some good things to try to stem the tide. I see that you're going to buy some books. That is a huge help for me - reading about addiction in others. And, of course, non-related alcohol stuff just to have a diversion. Really happy that you're choosing the healthy way to solve all of this. Major big hugs your way.:l:l:l

                              Sorry you've had a health scare. I went through that a couple of years ago, and it is totally unnerving. I hope you'll keep us posted.


