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I am starting day 1

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    I am starting day 1

    Well after several months of stress and turning to alcohol. i had a few days here and there af but before i knew it i was back on it again. i am trying this again hoping that i can get through tonight without it.

    please keep your fingers crossed for me i really want to be af.

    I am starting day 1

    Hi, welcome, and good luck.

    Try to keep yourself occupied with something, drink water to keep hydrated, and aim for an early night.
    AF 3-3-11
    1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
    Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
    NF since 1992


      I am starting day 1

      Welcome Rosepetal,

      I am only on day 4 myself (halfway into day 5) so I can't offer any words of wisdom. Look around, read lots and keep talking a posting.

      One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


        I am starting day 1

        Hi Rosepetal,

        Have you read the toolbox section on this thread. LOts of great ideas for "urge surfing" and getting of al. Make water your constant companion as well as some B group vitamins as a minimum. Rest a lot if you can and stay on the boards. FInd your way around, there is always someone to talk to. I will check in again later. Saffy xx
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          I am starting day 1

          Thanks Charlotte and Ronker for your support.

          i taking it easy tonight. i thought i would have a glass of water like ronker suggested and just watching some tv and posting once in awhile.


            I am starting day 1

            Hi Rosepetal,
            I am new, too, ending Day 6.
            Stick around here. Lots of compassionate, insightful support and inspiration from people who are further along....:welcome:
            "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
            Sam - AF since 12/11/10


              I am starting day 1

              fingers crossed here Rosepetal, keep reading and posting
              AF 5/jan/2011


                I am starting day 1

                Hi Rosepetal, I hope that you made it through OK. This battle is a tough one, but you can do it. What is your plan? A time off from alcohol, moderation, long term sobriety? Let us know so we can try to help. All the best,
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  I am starting day 1

                  Hi Rosepetal,

                  Welcome back to MWO, this is a good place

                  Success follows hard work & having a good, solid plan really helps!
                  Look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan. Think about posting on the Newbies Nest thread too where lots of people are just starting out as well.

                  I understand trying to drink away your stress because I did that as well. It didn't work & it caused me a lot of additional anxiety! What does work is changing your thinking about AL. I found the Hypno CDs to be very helpful in learning to relax without AL.

                  I wish you the very best on your journey. Make a firm commitment, you won't be sorry

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    I am starting day 1

                    :welcome:Rosepetal - you have come to a good place -- wonderful people who will help you, tons of information - read, read, read!

                    I just posted a long comment here and thought it might help you too:


                    My best to you - post your questions and we will try to help. Do you have a plan that includes exercise, good food, lots of water, etc?


