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I'm New

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    I'm New

    Hi -

    I'm new here and have been jumping from thread to thread, forum to forum. It's sorta fun getting used to doing that.

    I've been drinking on and off (mostly on) since I was 21. I'm now almost 55 and after my daughter stopped talking to me for a week and telling my husband she was embarrassed to bring her friends over, I finally figured it out that I need to really quit. I quit October 13th.

    I've been to inpatient and outpatient places. I've gone to AA. Nothing seemed to work. Apparently I can't do this for myself, mostly because I don't feel worthy of getting well. I drank at first because it relieved my anxiety. Then it became because I wanted to. And woe the person who tried to stop me. But for my daughter, I think I can do it. I'll do anything for her....anything! I'm even using her name here to remind me of what I need to do.

    I'm having bloodwork done (twice) and am having a sonogram to check for cirrohsis of the liver. What a shock, huh? Having the sonogram on Monday. I guess I'll find out then what's really going on. But it sure has scared me. YIKES!

    I found this by accident, as a lot of people have, when I was looking up Campral. What a great site this is! I've ordered the book and it should be here Tuesday.

    I need to get something going here. We are going to visit my in-laws for Thanksgiving and they are the most anxious alchoholics I've ever met. They start drinking, when they are not working, as soon as they wake up. It's hard to not be drinking when I'm around them.

    So I'm going to buy the CDs and also the Social Setting one to help with the great wonderful visit. I don't know if the CDs have words or just music. I fall asleep to a lot of things that have talking. I'm guessing if it's music, I can listen to that while I'm asleep.

    I really some help because going to see the in-laws really scares me. It'll be very hard not to drink. They would almost drive a non-drinker to drink. They're nice people, but......... I really need help because I don't want to die and miss my daughter finishing high school, hopefully going to college, just living her life.

    Today I'm really in a bad mood. I'm PMSing (sorry men), and I hardly ever do that. I guess it's because I'm not drinking anymore that I can actually feel it.

    Okay, that's enough about me, for now. Thanks for reading all this.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    I'm New



    Hi Noelle,

    Glad to have you here. I think Thanksgiving will be hard for a lot of folks so you are definately not alone. But, if you do not want to drink, simply don't. Start visualizing being @ the in-laws and going through the day without the poison. Imagine yourself carrying around a glass of water- or whatever non-alcoholic beverage you want. Visualize Visualize Visualize and it will become reality if you want it to.

    Congratulations on no booze since Oct. 13! That is a great accomplishment!

    Best regards,


      I'm New

      Hi Noelle

      Glad to have you here with us.
      You have done really well since 31st October - so keep it up.
      It is so hard when you are in an enviroment where lots of drinking is the norm.
      Just say no - don't worry about being the odd one out, the boring one
      you will surely be the most interesting person there,

      It's great that you want to do this for your daughter, but want it for yourself too.
      You are the most important person in all this & when you stop you will reap all the benefits and rewards.
      So strength to you
      you will find lots of support here.
      Best wishes


        I'm New


        It sounds like you are off to a really good start. It's nice to have you here!:l Attached files [img]/converted_files/154021=182-attachment.jpg[/img]
        :h :h :h :h


          I'm New

          Thanks to all of you!!!! It's so nice to feel welcome! I really, really like it here. I think I can help others a little...I've been told I'm good at that, mostly because I've been to so many psychiatrists and psycologists, lots of outpatient and just personal experience. Too bad I can't help myself, right? LOL

          I don't feel odd being with them.......they are very anxious people and I feel it, which in turn makes me want to drink. That's why I ordered the book and CDs as fast as I could!

          BTW, I ordered the CDs today, but nowhere was there a place to put my credit card info. And, they haven't sent me an email. Duh, what did I do wrong? Help me.............

          Editing: Duh, I figured it out. Does anyone else feel "dumber" after they quit drinking?? I sure do!!!!!!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

