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Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

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    Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

    OK, some of what I am saying is going to be a repeat of other posts, so sorry if you've already read it.

    I have been trying to gain control of my drinking all this year. I have been having AF days and weeks, then slipping back into old habits. Finally, FINALLY, I think I have got the message! There is no "one" for me. There is no "Saturdays only" for me.

    One drink for me is too many yet not enough.

    So, here I am on a sober Sunday feeling relieved that I have learned that I CANNOT DRINK AGAIN.

    I don't believe for a moment that the battle is won, I still think I have a long way to go, but hopefully accepting the truth will help me on the way.

    One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.

    Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

    CW, it was a HUGE relief for me when I finally accepted that fact. I spent some many years trying to find a way to control and enjoy my drinking - it was physically and emotionally exhausting and I had finally had enough. I had lied to myself for so long, telling myself that I wasn't really 'that bad' - but the truth was that I was no different then anyone else and just didn't want to admit it...

    Good for you for sticking with it - and you're right that you can never let your guard down. Good old Al is patient, and life has a way of testing us when we least suspect it and we have to be ready.

    Keep up the great work!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

      Hi. I can never say i'll never drink again cause the bloody AL sneaks up on you. I've been a year and a bit sober then BANG! BUT for now, i'm nearly 30 days sober and have no need or want for AL. I've FINALLY 'clicked' and i'm in complete control again! YAY!

      Stay strong hunni and DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN FOR A SEC! Well done xx


        Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

        Hi CW

        I too have been trying this year to stop my drinking with varied success. Had 3 months off (the longest I've been) and then 3 months on again until last Monday night when I finally realised that I had polished off a bottle of wine while making dinner and I really felt I had lost any tiny bit of control I thought I had. if I'd had another bottle there I would've started on that. It was only a Monday night - no 'sepcial occasion, no anything just ordinary night. I was done.

        Day 6 today and every day I have arrived home from work with no al I have been excited to be able to have an al-free night. It is the same excitement I used to feel when I would be planning my next drink so now I feel that excitement planning sobriety. Waking up in the mornings with no regrets after a good sleep is just the best too and I don't have to worry about what to do with the empty bottles I've hidden!!

        I know I always have to be vigilant but I feel like I have turned a corner. All the best to you in your new life.

        Athlete - so true being physically and emotionally exhausting!!!! Unblievable what we put ourselves through!

        Lil.m so well done on your neary 30 days now and previous 1 and a bit years. You must have learned a lot through that lapse.

        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

          When i finally stopped drinking i personally felt a huge relief and a huge burden being lifted from my body & mind, and though i cant say i will never drink again, i hope & pray with all my strength i never do and am sorry (if that's the word) that i never stopped earlier in my life.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

            I think of it a bit differently. I, too, feel relieved that I can now make that choice to never drink again and know that it is the truth! In the past there was always the uneasy feeling that I was bound to fail again. That is now gone, thanks to the baclofen eliminating my cravings. I, of course, CAN drink again. But I know via an intact brain what will happen and I choose a better future for myself. So, yes, I am relieved. Good thread.


              Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

              I actually felt a great sense of freedom and relief when I got over the roller coaster of the first couple of weeks AF and suddenly realised that I would never drink again. It was a lightbulb moment and I felt in control and determined, the internal dialogue stopped and the struggle disappeared. I have no intention in giving any negative or drinking thoughts head room, yes they do appear but I don?t allow them to stay. It?s my choice.

              My life is immeasurably and unconditionally 100% better now compared to what it was like while drinking and I want this to continue and get better. I read about the struggle people have with relapse and how bad that can be so I can?t risk it ? no way.

              Good luck.

              Dewdrop :h
              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

                Great thread! I am relieved too. Life is just easier not drinking. Things are less of a hassle wthought the haze of the wine. I can do more things, be more involved, have more control, be there for my kids! I can't moderate. That is the way it is. And I am glad. If I don't take that first drink, I've nothing to worry about. I certainly have to stay far, far away from thet first drink though.

                Thanks for putting this thread up. Makes me feel even more grateful to be able to call myself a former drinker.
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

                  Absolutely CW!!!!!

                  The realization came to me as I was approaching my first 30 AF days!
                  I believe it took that long to clear the wine haze & to allow the Hypno CDs to really sink in & begin to change my thinking about AL. I considered it a blessing & a miracle

                  Grateful to be sober these past 20 months!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Does anyone else feel relieved to learn they can never drink again?

                    I feel a relief that I've accepted that I just can't drink anymore. No more self delusions, no more romantic thoughts. And it is a relief!

