I am 20 months sober, and I can honestly say that not drinking feels completely normal to me now. I was at my sister's house for Thanksgiving and only three of the adults opted to have wine and they shared one small bottle between themselves, and when all was said and done, there was still a glass left over, and no one decided to finish it off. Before they opened that bottle, they debated whether to have red or white. "One or the other," I chuckled to myself. How about that? Two years ago, that whole conversation they were having would have made me very anxious because I knew that one bottle to myself would barely have gotten me through the first course, I would have been obsessing over the contents wondering if there was more in the refrigerator, and when it might be okay to pour myself another, and whether they would talk about me afterwards. I don't think that's something that normal drinkers ever experience which is why I know I can't ever drink, because that's what happens to me.
I don't really care to hang around drunks, but people drinking normally around me doesn't bother me at all. I don't look at the contents of their glass with longing. I don't have to white knuckle my way through the night. I just don't give it that much thought except to know that I simply can't drink because of the way my body reacts to it when I do, and I'm totatlly okay with that now. When I was asked if I wanted wine, I just said "No thanks," and I honestly meant it.
I know that there are people just starting out here that imagine that the struggle to not drink will continue their whole lives, because that's how it felt to me at first too, but that honestly has not been my experience. I didn't miss a thing by not drinking on Thanksgiving, and in fact would have missed so much more if I had.