I always have to start these threads by explaining that I'm not addicted to alcohol per se- I'm hooked on sugar and I'm anorexic/bulimic. But people have been supportive of me being here, since hey, addiction is addiction. I know a lot of alcoholics sometimes switch over to binging on sugar, and sugar and alcohol are VERY similar. So, here I am.
Being sober from sugar (and a whole bunch of other foods I can't tolerate: grains, high carbs, foods I'm allergic to, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, etc) and from an ED is something I see as getting well rather than quitting per se. It IS quitting, but it's also changing to a better way of living and being.
Anyway, I want to try this better lifestyle for 90 days. That's just to get me over the terror of NEVER EVER USING AGAIN... which I want, but somehow something in my brain is terrified over.
Anyway, I feel like this is trading sugar, toxic foods, binging...
1)A clean low carb diet of animal and fish protein, fresh veggies, herbs and spices, etc.
2)Meal plans, sanity, balance and nutrients in food rather than poison and crazyiness.
3)Balanced blood sugar rather than out of control hypoglycemia from sugar and binges.
4)Taking my food intolerances seriously rather than continuing to eat foods that make (and KEEP) me sick.
5)Fresh air, exercise.. a social life.. being able to focus on getting a creative career going, etc!
Right now, having binged on sugar ALL day, and done that for weeks now, every single day, I'm so messed up in the head that it's hard for me to make an organized plan.
But that's the basic idea.
I've been sick ALL my life. I want to see what it's like to be well. I want to see if I CAN be well just by getting all the sugar, toxic food, ED, unstable blood sugar, etc out of my life.
I'll try it for 90 days, see what happens.