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I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

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    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

    Hey guys! So my MIL calls me today and says my SIL husband is in jail because he tried to kill her! I know I know, I'm thinking it too. . . can you get more white trash! Come on people it's Wednesday at 3 and some of us work! Maybe if she had been at work that would not have happened! All I said tho was Tell Rose I'm sorry and I hope her day gets better. I don't really want to talk about this with you so I will call Eric and have him call you so you will have someone to talk to. Rose does not want me in her life so I don't think I need to hear about her problems. And I hung up and called Eric to call her. Well I just can't wait for the repercussions of that phone call. I'm sure I will be called an insensitive cold hearted bitch as I have been in the past but me and Rose don't get along since she left the family 6 years ago and signed off the rights to her children (7 and 4 at the time) to have an affair with the bottle. Then she found a guy (in rehab he is a speed addict) and got pregnant and married him. They had two kids and her life was perfect so she came back to show off. Within a year of her being back they started having problems and they started drinking again about a year ago. She has lived with her mom since September last year and went back to her ex and her other kids. It only took her 3 months to mess it up this time. So to recap since 2005 she has gone through 2 men that love her, her entire family and 4 children, she has hurt everyone that has ever cared for her and no matter how I try to help she will not even talk to me. Prior to 2005 we had been best friends since 1997ish. Anyway had to get that out, it's poisoning my brain tonight not AL, I will not be drinking tonight as it is not part of my Mod plan. Hope everyone has a great AF night!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

      I made it! I did not drink last night! I so could have, I just kept putting it off. Also it was 20 degrees here so I didn't want to go out! Burrrrr! So how is everyone?
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

        Hello Jenn and All!

        I'm so busy these days! However it's keeping me AF!!

        Have a great day all. Tonight I'm helping my sister move, so another AF night for me I'm sure!

        Hope everyone is doing well.


          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

          Hey guys-
          Quick check in. All good, very busy work wise so tough to log on. Wed was a success for me. Feeling much less anxiety and very positive. MyLife you are so right)
          Jenn - Wow, tough situation. Hope it clears up for you.
          Jenniech - check out the Moderation management web site for info. I think you are in a metro area (NYC?), they may have meetings. All the folks in my Mod Man group have been to AA and were turned off by the same reasons you state. I find it very positive and beneficial.
          Mylife, MM, Red - hope everyone is doing great.


            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

            Hello All,

            Jenny, sorry to hear about your SIL and BIL problems. Luckily, I'm married to an only child. He only has to put up with my crazy family. I, however, have to put up with an only child mentality!! I'm not sure which is worse! LOL.

            Sharky, glad to hear you're feeling better. It is so amazing what a few days AF will do for your mind and spirit. That's why I feel if I need to eventually I could go AF. It really is not that bad at all.

            Hope you all have a great evening. I'm off traveling out of state tomorrow. No overnights, just lots of plane trips so it will be a long Friday. But I will be AF!!


              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

              OK so problems. Two really. One I drank last night because I was not going to be able to drink tonight because I have to much to do on Saturday to drink tonight, that is a broken rule cause it's a week night. Two I stayed up till 11:30 cause I was watching my shows and was not tired cause of the drink, so another broken rule not going to bed by 9:30 our 10 at the very latest. Also I guess I took my contacts out and screwed one in the cap so when I went to put them in this morning there was only 1/2 of one! I really wasn't drunk I guess I just was not paying attention. So now I have to wait for the eye doctor to open so I can get some more contacts because, of course, that was my last pair and I had just reordered. That's alot of trouble to go through for 3 drinks! So I got to get a buzz. . .I also got to be tired, aggravated, blind, and late to work.. . .not worth it! OK so now I am shooting for 60 days AF. I did 30, now its time for the next step. I'm gonna bump up my supps and add some of that K stuff I see on here and get Allen Carr's book. I would like to go to a comedy show Saturday at PM for my sis's bday, the last one sober was not all that fun but maybe this one will be different. It is in a much better venue.

              Sharky did you make it out to Dallas for the superbowl? Did you go to the Superbowl? What was that like if you did?
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                Hope you are feeling better! I know after I drink that andst justs kills me. Super Bowl was awesome! Drank too much and felt anxious and guilty most of the week.. Feeling great now after AF days. I think as both you and MyLife have stated it is not worth beating yourself up constantly over a drinking night, but learn from it and move on. I think we all realize that when we drink we tend to feel like crap the next day - at least we realize that and want to do something about it.
                Here is to an AF Friday!


                  I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                  Good morning both.

                  I had a really busy last couple days which involved traveling out of state for work. And, unfortunately I drank both Thurs and Fri nights. I didn't over do it -- I had two drinks Thursday and 3 drinks last night -- but I broke all my rules. I didn't drink because it was a social setting or that I was out with my husband having a nice time...I drank because I was stressed out and wanted a drink after two very LONG days.

                  So, Jenny and Sharky, I am with you. I woke up this morning feeling bad and guilty. I think I need a good long time sober before I can try this modding thing. Really, I just don't know if it's worth it. I feel so much better when I don't drink.

                  Here's to day 1. Honestly, I don't know what I'm shooting for, 60 or 90 days something that will give me a good long time to re-evaluate things.

                  Hope you both have a good day. Sharky, I'm looking forward to feeling the way you do after several AF days again!


                    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                    Hey ml,

                    Sorry doing a lot of thread surfing at the moment. I would only consider modding if had min 6 months behind me. To be honest, now that I am at sixty is almost a non issue. I just don't drink.

                    That's what works for me and I am sure you will soon fi d what works for u.

                    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                      Thanks Cassia,

                      I agree. Even when I was approaching 30 days it was becoming a non-issue. I just have to remind myself around then that I really am not "missing out" on anything by not drinking.

                      I had originally said 6-months minimum time AF for me. And really, I might just decide that I don't drink. My mom and two of my sisters don't drink -- they just never have and don't like it. Why couldn't I have adopted that mentality!

                      Anyway, have a great day all. I'm already feeling better, although a little weary of "starting again".


                        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                        Hello Guys!

                        Hope you're having a good Monday? I got a really much needed great night of sleep last night and I feel 1,000 times better than I did a few days ago!

                        I'm still sticking with my plan to stay AF for a good long time and then re-assess. Hope you are all doing okay. Have a great Monday!


                          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                          Hey guys!
                          MyLife - I also slept unbelievably well and feel 1000% better than I did last week! Amazing feeling. Looking forward to building on it the rest of the week.. Big week of travel (again) for me - hectic but should be able to manage the AL part well.
                          Hope everyone has a great week!


                            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                            Hey Sharky,

                            Glad to hear you're doing better. Have a great week traveling - I'm heading to the monthly Abs threads!


                              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                              Hey guy's. I messes up real bad. I feel. . . bad. Like I let y'all down. I am trying a new approach. I hope to be successful this time. Third times a charm right. I feel like the Flying through February thread is off limits to me now, I am trying the monthly ab thread. I'm just very confused as to where I belong here and where I will be the most successful. I am a natural leader and will take over anywhere anyone will let me, however, in this case, with this affliction, I need to listen and learn and let people help me instead of try to fix everyones problems. In this case I must learn to follow before I can lead.
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                                Please don't beat yourself up and you certainly will NEVER let anyone down on this board. Only let down would be if you don't post because we would all miss you.
                                You are a real inspiration whether you realize it or not. You, MyLife and others have picked me up soooo many times - you have no idea. We have all been there multiple times. That is one thing I really enjoy on this thread, we have stuck with it - with ups and downs and a true level of support
                                You have had alot on your plate recently that really soud mentally/emotionally and physically challenging. Get some rest, keep posting. It is a brand new day. Chin -up youg lady you can do it:h

