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I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

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    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

    Morning guys! Okay, it's lunch time here, but I didn't make it online this morning. Our corporate headquarters are in Europe, so depending on the day (most days) I have a string of "to do urgently" emails waiting for me when I get in -- they're 5 or 6 hours ahead. Argh.

    Anyway, that is such an awesome story Sharky! I am so impressed. In the past I would have been one of those people thinking "I wish that was me"!!!

    And Jenny, it's funny you mention about the 30 days. I was originally thinking just 30 days and then I'll see how it goes...and at one point I thought I would definitely drink "moderately" after my 30 days. This morning I was thinking that I'm definitely not going to drink before the end of January (my 30 days are up on the 26th) because I feel so good. And then I thought -- really I don't have to drink for as long as I want, and I felt really relaxed and happy when I thought that. So, who knows! Right now, I'm happy to be AF.


      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

      Good morning.

      The thirty days did me in. Just wanted to see if I could handle it. Nothing bad happened and I did enjoy myself. I really don't feel bad this morning but. . . I drank the whole bottle. I wanted to stop at two drinks and I would have if I just poured the rest of the bottle out after two drinks but I wanted to see if I could have it in the house and not drink the rest of it. . . obviously not. I hope I don't knock anyone off the wagon with this post. I think we are all far enough along that we should be OK with tales of others misfortune by now. Truthfully way back in December a drunk poster knocked me right off the wagon so I'm always worried about doing that to others.

      So here I am, day one, I think after every thirty days I will call the next day day 1 so that I will not get to cocky about my number of days. I hope my 6 hours of abusing my body last night will not take nearly as long to correct this time. I hope everyone has a great AF day and night. I know now for sure what road I will not be wanting to run back to!

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I can not change
      Change the one I can
      And the wisdom to know it's me.-*DG*
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

        Crap! Now I can't post on the AF number of days thread and I have to change my sig! Crap!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

          Good morning Jenny. Don't feel bad just jump back on the bike. I did the same thing after my 20 days last time...except maybe I poured half a glass out at the end lol. Anyway I also noticed I had the worst headache because my tolerance wasn't up as much as before.

          Anyway, that's part of the reason I'm not focusing on days this time as much. I'm really trying to adopt a new lifestyle. And don't worry about knocking us off the wagon...that's our responsibility to ourselvrs!!

          Hang in there and you now know you have it in you to choose not to drink!! I also really recommend Allen Cars book Easy Way to Stop Drinking.

          Have a great AF day all!


            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

            jennyneric;1046350 wrote: Crap! Now I can't post on the AF number of days thread and I have to change my sig! Crap!
            :H:H Not that it's funny but I remember those irritations too! One reason I never put my AF date back in my signature!!

            And you CAN TOO post on the AF number of days thread. You are AF TODAY!


              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

              Thanks ML, everyone here is so empathic, it's nice. I'm back on the wagon. I here you about the days, its just hard because of the OCD numbers thing. I will get Allen Carr's book and try to adopt a new lifestyle that does not involve AL. There will be alittle soul searching today but all and all I don't feel to bad. Just gotta regroup and jump right back on that treadmill of life. LOL
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                If all of us here can do it, so can you!! We're the little thread that could, remember? Lol.


                  I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                  Well I went through my day, didn't get much done. Did manage to go to the gym and visited my friend in county jail, that was an experience. I'm tired, irritated, and depressed. This suxs. I hope in the next 2 or 3 days I will be back to myself. I do know tomorrow I will wake up much more clear headed than I did today! I make matters worse my hubby has the flu! I hope me and the kids don't get it! Have a great AF night guys, I know mine will be AF for sure. . .not so sure about the great part

                  Sharky, MM y'all around?
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                    Good morning all. I am such an IDIOT I blew it last night on day 27. I really have no excuse, I was out having dinner with my husband and just thought a glass of wine would be nice and next thing I knew I had 3 and another when I got home. We had a nice time, but I feel like CRAP today. Headache, dehydrated, and worst of all I blew my 30 days. What was I thinking??? I think I need to start seeing a counselor. I need to face the fact I'm addicted to this and stay away from Alcohol forever.

                    Sorry, I hope I didn't depress everyone, and I hope you're feeling better Jenny.


                      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                      Hey guys. Please hang in there!. Minor set backs that you both realize. It is a learning experience. I almost caved again but hung on (have a wicked cold so that helped).

                      Lets keep moving forward. Jenn I understand the once you hit 30 days - get overly confident etc. Tough mentally. Big week of travel for me and 30 days on Monday.

                      Please keep posting and let us all continue our journey!

                      Think positive!


                        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                        Hi Sharky. Glad to hear you stayed strong. I'm trying to stay positive, but I just can't believe I was so stupid.!! Argh. Okay, time to move on.

                        Have a great day everyone.


                          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                          Crap ML, I'm so sorry! I hope I didn't cause the domino effect! Thats what I was afraid of! It's OK, we know how to get back on this horse! Look at it this way, we did better than last month! Any day with out AL is a good day so even if we fail to abstain we have so many more days without AL than we would have if we did not try! And we will keep trying until we can completely abstain! We will do it! I know we can!
                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                            I am right with you jennyneric and mylife. Came back to this site yesterday and by 5 p.m. thought that I didn't need to be here - not really - had a glass of wine which ended up being the bottle again. I would like to start day one here again with you. All the best.


                              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                              Welcome hereagain, we are the little thread that could, we are going to make this work, the more the merrier,happy to have the company!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                                Well done for getting back up there guys. And a timely reminder to myself not too get too blase. Obviously you still need to keep your guards in place even when you get so many days under your belt.
                                The good thing is that you can pull yourself up and start again.

