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I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

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    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

    So is this day 2 for all of us?

    I had a great time Saturday, the problem was Sunday, and the depression that sets in no matter the amount that I drink. I can remember Friday feeling so happy and confident and pretty (inside and out) and then I drank just one glass of wine and no more good feelings, they were like gone. I just don't get that. It takes me 3 days for the depression to start lifting. So hurry up Wednesday!

    We can do this! Lets all make it to March 1st, that will be 30 days and a Tuesday so how bout March 4th that will be 33 day completely sober.

    Interesting question, how much is to much. For me my limit should be 4 and a rate of one drink an hour. I had 6 and Saturday, 2 in the first 3 hours and then 4 in two hours. To much to fast.

    Ok "the little thread that could" lets get back up on this train and prove to ourselves that we can!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

      Well my goodness I feel better today! It's a snow day here, schools are closed, works are closed. My baby wants to go drive around cause he's board, I'm just crazy enough to do it. My goodness I wish I could bottle this bubbly happiness I feel when the AL finally gets out of my body and the chemical balance returns to normal. Or maybe I need to bottle how I felt on Sunday and take it to remember, oh wait someone did bottle it, its called AL. Wish I could just take a sip and the bad feeling would come and last for like 5 min and then I would be back to normal, does that make since? Like a hangover in a bottle.
      Have a great AF day!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

        Hi Guys! Well, here's to day 2. This will be fun and I know we can do this.

        Jenn, I completely agree. That's the other thing that gets me about AL -- it does not taste good and it makes us feel bad, we feel great when we don't have it, but we still want to drink. What is up with that??!!

        And think of all the diseases we could have where we don't have the option to make ourselves feel better -- like Cancer or Diabetes? They don't go away no matter what, but we can actually make this go away and we STILL do it voluntarily!! Anyway, so glad to be back on track now in February.


          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

          PS Jenny, I like the cute new Avatar!


            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

            LOL thanks!
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

              Hey everyone. Been here at home and in front of this computer all day cause I can't find anything else to do! I have been on here alot and I have done my taxes and counted my calories for yesterday today and tomorrow. Whooo board. . .anyway how is everyone? I am good, I thought about drink out of boredom a little bit ago but I took some L-Glut and told those thoughts to go away cause I feel good today and AL is not coming back and making me feel bad! So take that AL! LOL

              Hope today finds all well. Hang in there we're gonna make it through February.
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                Morning Guys!

                Jenn, I just took out our tax file and looked at the mess and decided I couldn't face it last night -- so congratulations for getting yours done! I've also got my entire families taxes to do -- I don't know why I ever agreed to do that since I'm really not a "tax" person, but somehow it evolved into my job! Hmmm....maybe I should start charging.

                Anyway, I went to bed early and feel good today. I"m going to go for a walk soon and try to start getting back into some sort of exercise routine. When you're bored, go to the tool box and start reading some of those posts and links. It can take hours to get through that whole thread, but there is so much good advice and reminders on there that I can read it over and over.


                Have a great AF day all! Sharky? Traveling for work again? Hope you're having a good week!


                  I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                  Hey guys - Feeling much better today Loonnngggg day yesterday, cancelled flights delays - about 16 hours in airports and travel. Back on the road again Friday... arrghhhh

                  Looking forward to getting back into an AF routine. With traveling - too many distractions - while I'm aware of it and the abundance of AL I find I'm good most of the time but NOT all the time. Need to get better at that....

                  Hope everyone is well and AF. Check back in later.



                    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                    Hello Sharky. I heard the airports were a mess yesterday. Luckily I dodged traveling this week although I might have to do a short trip next week. Traveling can be a trigger for me, too. Last time I brought my laptop and just sat in the hotel room posting on MWO. Luckily there wasn't big pressure to go out and join people drinking. Hope that's the case again next week.


                      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                      traveling is a huge trigger and often the drinking is a key part of the evening. I'm usually hosting folks/clients and "celebrating". If I'm not drinking it raisesgreat concern/angst/speculation that I don't need. Been able to joke it away on several occasions. I've found that I am always in much better control drinkingin these situations because I am in control or "leading" the group. It is the other occasions where I don't have to be "business" responsible that I overdo it. This is where I need to focus and stay in control with a pre determined plan. Sometimes it is easier to just not drink at these as it doesn't bring on the scrutiny that being in charge brings.
                      Never easy and I wish I didn't have to think about it......but that is why we are here...


                        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                        Hi Sharky,
                        I understand. I never have a problem over drinking in business situations. It's really when I'm at home or on a weekend and I want to "de-stress" that I drink too much. The problem with the drinking on business trips is that it just sets me up to feel okay about drinking later. It's a trigger. Since I haven't been drinking as much I've noticed a few other people who manage to avoid drinking at those events. So I'm taking notes! Hang in there and stay positive!


                          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                          Hey y'all, we are still under ice here in Texas. . . the kids school is closed again tomorrow, 3rd day in a row! This morning there were rolling blackouts, ever heard of such a thing??? Anyway work was a mess and home is a mess, I'm on my 14 year old lap top tonight cause it turns out she's been in chatroom which is a no no for the kids in our house, and I had to ground her and take her room away so she's in the livingroom. I can honestly say I regreat everything I did as a teenager because right about now it is being so thrown right back at me! But no AL for me tonight! I told AL to hit the road jack. . .this month!
                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                            Good morning guys!

                            Jenn -- so sorry to hear about the weather!! Wow, I have some family in Texas I should check on them!

                            Hate to say it but it's been sunny and 75 degrees here -- the most gorgeous weather of the year. I haven't been in a rolling blackout since I lived in California! Yikes. However I did get stuck on the runway in Houston one time for 6 hours or something because of snow. It was a nightmare!

                            Anyway, have a fantastic Thursday all. I'm Flying through February and determined to get this full month in AF!!


                              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                              Hey guys......

                              Rolling black outs are no fun. Have them here in the summer when it gets too hot and the AC is cranking. Jen- bummed about your weather, I'm heading to Dallas tomorrow (work) but will be there for the festivities (need to be careful - think I have a good plan).
                              Hope to post over the weekend to stay on track.
                              MyLife- you are absolutely correct on the business drinking turning into a trigger to drink more at home. That is exactly what I do.. like it is some kind of reward??? or something. Need to pay attention to that.
                              Have agreat night all


                                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                                Sharky be careful out here, we just got 5 inches of snow last night laid right on top of the ice that has been here since monday night, my goodness! As a native I am not looking forward to the vistiors for the superbowl but I guess they will boost local economy so alls well that ends well.

                                Last night I was in the midst of all, and I mean all, the triggers. HALT, hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. I was having strong cravings and so I went to HALT and I was all four. . .and I could only take care of one. . .so I turned on the TV to american idol and fixed myself a big plate of food and ate till I was sick and I just sat there and watched TV till the family came home at 9:30 and then I stomped off to bed. But you know what. . . I didn't drink. . .
                                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                                Everyday we choose the direction of change.

