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I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

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    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

    ML - Wayne Dyer is very good too! So much wonderful stuff available these days! Best of luck to you.


      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

      Good Morning! Today is the start of day 6! I feel fantastic! I have a speech tonight on Marijuana...why I think it should be legal. Now don't go getting any ideas, I don't use it...I just think it should be legal. If I could pick I think alcohol is way worse for you! I don't like to do it, i hate the way it makes me feel but one can not discount its uses or attributes.

      Anyway hope everyone is feeling great today! I am. Share the love!
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

        I am on the sleigh for Dec through to the New Year, and after I am sure will be a different mode of transportation. Lord I hope it is not a snow mobile.
        Today is the start of my Day 8AF, had some hiccups yesterday, but did not step back.
        Look forward to seeing you Sadly and Mylife along with Jenny and everyone else on this trip.


          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

          Wow the pic i found for my avatar is the cutest! I have 3 of those pups at home! That one looks like my poo-bear!

          Well here we are on day 7! I love day 7! Tomorrow we start Santa's Sober Sleigh! Can't wait. I have never been able to do a calendar month challenge thread to the end. I think this will be the one! In November I official drank 4 times. That is so much better than last year! I drank 20 days in November last year. That was the first month I found this website and the first month I started to try to stop the madness. I think, if I have my math right, that is a 500% improvement over last year! Wow!
          So who starts the thread for the challenge tomorrow?

          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

            Oh PS- I made 110 on my speech! The max was 120 so my grade was 92% I am very happy with that!
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

              I will join you for December. As of today I only drank one day in November. The holidays will be hard and it has been years since I went through Christmas sober. It is always such a stressful time trying to make things perfect for the family. The last few months have been extremely stressful and I am staying sober so that I can think clearly and make smart choices.
              I am thankful for the support that is given on this forum. We are all in this fight together so together we can conquer AL.
              Don't worry, be happy!


                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                Jenny, you can call me Dreams, most do. I am half way through Day 9. I am having highs and lows. I took a walk to the lake, I live 2 blocks from Lake Huron. The waves are so high, it literally took my breath away, but wow the roar of the water is so mesmerizing. It helped me with my low.
                I am looking forward to hopping on Santa's Sober Sleigh, who takes the reigns, not me, those reighdeer have minds of their own. See you all tomorrow.


                  I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                  Hi Jenny - another familiar friend - I also have not made a calendar month from start to finish, maybe I can tag on the the December crwod! I admit, I am dreading Christmas, from the first Christmas I can recall, all events have centered around AL, it will be hard making new traditions - here I am only at Day 3, but wondering about a long way off - need to go back to ODAT!!!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                    Good Morning, looks like I am the first on board. Day 10 for me, like the rest of you I would like to make a calendar month AF. I did it before, and I feel strong enough I can do it again. The Christmas Season has always been a difficult time for me also, this one I want to see sober. Maybe that will change my feelings about the holidays. Come on, get on board, I am rareing to go.


                      I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!


                      Ok everyone there is the link for the December Challenge! Hop on over and join me there! We can make this a December to remember!

                      Today is Day 8! Made it though November only drinking 4 days! I am shooting for December no days!

                      We need to make a plan for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years eve. Those will be the hardest!

                      ** :goodjob:
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                        I am on day three too. thank you for starting this. I can't believe there are 52 pages of posts to read. I'll have to catch up tonight. I am feeling weepy right now, missing my dog so much. It takes my breath away sometimes. I want to numb the feeling so bad, but it goes to another place, you know? The grief. I just can't go there. It's way to scary.

                        Who is on day three?


                          I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                          Piper, my heart goes out to you. I'm on day 5 - but I'm not going through the heartache you are.

                          Please don't drink - it won't make you feel better it will make you feel worse. Try saying lots of prayers and meditation.

                          We can do this together! :l:h


                            I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                            Piper, sending you hugs. Please hang in there - read, take a bath, watch t.v.:l:l


                              I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                              Good morning challengers - here's to a happy AF Friday!

                              Hope everyone has a sober Friday plan. I'll be decorating my Christmas tree tonight. We have a company work party on Sunday - but I'm not even concerned as I never liked to drink at those things anyway. My biggest problem was my wine at night - and I am still in celebration mode that I don't have to do that anymore!! It's so nice to be up early, hangover free and looking forward to a sober weekend!

                              Have a fantastic AF day everyone!


                                I'm starting my rest of the year sober challange today!

                                thanks my life!
                                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                                New day 1- 9 January !
                                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1

