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Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

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    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

    Well guys I hope that you like the title. Day 1 and I feel ready to go. Like most of you with all the parties about to decend at every turn your probably feeling very anxious about the month. I'm very nervous. I've been doing so well and want to continue on this path. Also very nervous for new years eve!!
    :heart:When the wine is in, the wit is out. ~Proverb

    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

    Also my name was SpiritedOliver but I wanted to start blogging but couldn't figure out how and clicked on the register new name under blog in CP ~ so my name has changed but I still can't write blog
    :heart:When the wine is in, the wit is out. ~Proverb


      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

      Hi Sarah, count me in!! These sober challenges are the best!! Thanks for starting the thread. I love the name. And it is December 1 here too Just mailed off my first Christmas present to my nephew... the postage cost as much as the present.. :H

      The first challenge I did was the Sober September challenge and it really kept me on track. I met a lot of wonderful people and we just keep on keep'n on sober month after month.

      I'm not sure how to do the blog part of the forum but I've been thinking about it.
      Best of luck to everyone on the Santa's Sober Sleigh!!:h


        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

        Yaaayyyy thanks for starting the December thread Sarah,

        I've been up since 4.30 trying to dig my car out but the airport is closed and all flights cancelled so I'm heading back to bed for a lie in. Fantastic !!!

        catch you all later and delighted to be on the December Sober Santa Sleigh.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

          Hey, I am in too Sarah!!
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

            me too!!


              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

              I'm in!!!!! I'm not worried about the christmas holidays to be honest cause watching others drink has never been a trigger for me.Infact it just makes me want to stay sober more. I look at them and think, REALLY.. you're going to feel like sh*t tomorrow morning. I'll wake up fresh and ready to go!

              I just can't wait to see my babies faces when they see all the pressies and fireworks =D I think i'm going to dress my little boy up in a funny outfit as well for christmas day. I've always looked at it like child abuse *lol* BUT i'm going to take a pic of it and use it as blackmail when he's older!!!


                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                I'm here and I'm on the sleigh.

                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                  I am in too.
                  How clever is JC with that sleigh?


                    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                    Oooooh! A sleigh ride! I am totally in!

                    "Christmas day is in our grasp
                    So long as we have hands to clasp"

                    Happy sober December all!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                      Hey- I am with you all, too! Sarah, I think you need to be a subscriber in order to blog- I tried to do that too, and discovered that feature was for subscribers only....
                      It's always YOUR choice!


                        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                        Ooh, just realised this is the Nov lot - how'r'youse!!! This is the big month folks, lets really do this 100%, no little thoughts of 'a few on christmas day' or anything? I absolutely believe that if there is no little out in our head, no maybe's, no chance of drinking - it won't happen. Get a strategy in place, doesn't have to be complicated, just little tips like the olbies scatter round hereabouts, JC's good one that comes to mind is 'arrive late, leave early', definitely for me with the Christmas work 'Do'. Have an exit strategy - 'ooh I left the chickens, dogs, children out, gotta go' sort of thingy. Have the fizzy drinks ready for Christmas day, nothing worse than them all opening up the bubbly Christmas morning and all you have is milk:upset:
                        Have to love you and leave you, think I'm going for a bus - believe you me I will be whinging this evening if I have to use our bus service!!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                          I'm in! I love the title! I want to ride Santa's Sober Sleigh! I will do it this month! I feel like crying happy tears knowing how good I'll feel about myself on Dec 31st! Ready for the ride! Let's go Santa! Everyone have a happy AF Wednesday!
                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                            PS, I LOVE the title too! All Aboard!
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                              Great title Sarah. Thanks for taking the initiative!

