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Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

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    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

    I am in!!!!

    Embracing sobriety again after a couple of rough weeks. Love being clear headed and healthy....Love that my sons will have a sober mom Christmas and I won't be a self destructing, blubbering mess as this is going to be a real tough one this year - first one since we lost my nephew. I miss him terribly, we were close in age and more like siblings. I am honoring all of my angels by being present and being there for my family and not escaping in my own little world.

    I am happy and proud to be on this wild journey and to have you all with me really helps me to make it through the rough times....



      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

      I'm in ! Looking forward to a super sober Christmas.


        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

        I'm in too!


          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

          :yay::yay::yay: We made it through November and now on to what looks to be a really fun month! Love the name!! Got our tree up last night and loving to just look at it in the dark and think about how grateful I am that this year has turned out to be happy after all. Last year we all thought we were losing our little brother to cancer. There wasn't really any hope at all in the beginning, but guess what? Miracles do happen and he is still with us and doing great! Sooooo much to be grateful for and will never forget it! And I am determined now to not ruin my health and put my parents through any more worry. So let's go on a sober sleigh ride everyone!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!:wd::wings::wd:


            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

            Getttinghappy - what wonderful news about your brother! I am a firm believer in miracles. Thank you for sharing that - made me smile.
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

              GettingH, that is such good news bout your little brother. Definitely a good reason to have a sober christmas. Great to see everyone here - most of the old reliables and a few - brillo!

              Just a little word about triggers that I discovered today.
              On the 6th Jan. this year I had been sober all over christmas, felt brilliant about myself and really felt I was facing a sober life with a smile on my face.....then it snowed - and snowed - and snowed. I got stuck at work and spent about 4 hrs getting home, by the time I got home I had convinced myself that I more than 'deserved' a drink, and as they say ---the rest is history
              Today, I went to the busstop to get to work - in the snow. Nearly 2 hrs later at same busstop, a very clear message came into my head - I was going home and I deserved a drink...........luckily the 'little man in my head' rang the alarm bell:goodjob:, came home and had a cup of tea. My doc always said to me, 'if you have a relapse, make sure you learn something from it and then it wasn't for nothing' - wow, I learnt the power of triggers!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                I'm climbing on the sleigh as well. We may need more reindeer!


                  Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                  I'll hop on as well, move over Santa
                  AF 5/jan/2011


                    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                    Hey Sharky maybe we are the reindeer, safely and soberly caring Santa to his destination. I like that thought!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                      Good job Mollyka! I know that must have been tough. . .but you were tougher!
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                        Molly, thanks for your story. You always inspire me!:l


                          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                          Mornin' everybody. I love all the vibes on this thread already!! :h I'm thinking about all the triggers for December and have the utmost respect for people just starting out on the AF journey this month. BRAVO!!! I started my journey at the end of August and had the holidays on my mind the day I quit. I thought that if I could make it to the holidays sober, I'd have my drinking under control enough to enjoy a few drinks during the season. I really thought I'd reward myself if I could make it this far with a few drinks... (Ah er... I mean getting drunk) . Now having drinks or getting drunk seams like punishment. I had no idea how much better and happier I'd feel sober. Our bodies are amazing when you give them a chance. Now I know I don't want to ruin the holidays by drinking. I'm so excited for a sober wonderful holiday season!! :l


                            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                            Hi Everybody, hope I can join in. I'm on day 5 myself and planning to see the New Year through Sober! I LOVE the name of this thread! What a wonderful idea Sarah, thanks! And I love the reindeers, too!! Where do you guys find these things??!!

                            Thanks very much Molly for the reminder. I have had too many of those "trigger" times myself. Mine usually involve stress and burnout at work and "deserving" a drink to relax after a hard day. Choice, I am so excited to feel the way that you do that having drinks seem like punishment! Great to be here.


                              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh


                              Nice! As long as we aren't Blitzen


                                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                                Evening guys,

                                looks like we have a great bunch of folk determined to get through December and all the festivities. I had really bad cravings this afternoon that came out of nowhere and I really struggled with them for a long time. I was working from home today, snowed in with my coal fire roaring away and I got up and looked out the window to see the snow falling and just thought 'wouldn't it be lovely to have a bottle of wine this afternoon, no one will know'. Notice it was a bottle not a glass of wine I craved

                                Eventually I bundled up in warm clothes put on my hillwalking boots and went for a long walk for over an hour, it was freezing but I was warm running away from my demons! I made sure I walked away from the shops so I wasn't tempted to buy a bottle but it was very difficult.

                                Phhheeewww just glad it eventually passed. Keep strong guys.

                                Dewdrop :h
                                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

