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Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

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    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

    Choochie, what does the agave nectar look like? Is it t liquid or powder. I have always had trouble with low blood sugar. Another thing that is really high in protein and keeps blood sugar even is spirulina capsules. No calories and is made from an algae protein. Really works. Especially when you are at work and don't have time to eat for a while.


      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

      Wagon - get better dammit!!

      GH - Agave is in a bottle - liquid - kind of looks like honey. May be hard to find for you? Whole Foods and Sun Harvest are two stores in my area that carry it. Even our local HEB grocery has started to stock it. So, it's becoming better known. I have heard of the Spirulina too. Glad to know about it.



        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

        I would like to join in too. I've been AWOL for a while, but really want to stick my toes in the water again. I've missed being a part of MWO, I seem to remember I was much happier when I was posting away?? Seems like a distant memory now.

        Day 1 for me. For sure the holidays are tougher, or maybe not? Im not sure really. It seems like anytime is tough for me.

        Ok, so day 1 for me! Happy to be on board!!


          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

          OI welcome back. Let us know how we can help.



            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

            Hi everyone! Overit- welcome back- nice to see you here! Got a scratchy sore throat and am congested today-blah. Well-at least the weather is better than yesterday's crazy storm- Glad to see everyone still on track and not falling off Santa's Sleigh- If you do-jump back on, okay?
            It's always YOUR choice!


              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

              I am happy to be back!!! Thank you for the welcome, you really made my morning.

              Im not sure whats been going on with me. Been stuck DEEP in denial, and I mean DEEP. In a single women, so doing the dating thing and drinking on my dates. There was a time when I was strong enough to date sober, but I've just been so weak the past few months.

              Anyways, THANK YOU for the Hello. Step one of getting out of denial, BEING HERE!


                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                Hey OverIt!! Glad to see you back!

                Fluff - you have what I have. Two weeks ago I was flat out with a nasty stomach virus, then this cold hit the whole family. Apparently it is par for the course. I am so done with illness. All this sick crap is not letting me enjoy my sobriety damn it!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                  Wagoneer & Fluff sorry to hear you are both under the weather but just think how much worse it would be if you were hungover at the same time. Hang in there Peace you have come a long way so far and stick with the meditation if you can I get so
                  much out of it. Between that and the running you will find a way through the anxiety. Lovely to have you on board Overit, being single I know what you mean about the sober dating

                  Hi to Gettinghappy, Choochie, Mollie, Neart, Anon and everyone else.

                  I?m watching Faulty Tower on DVD tonight, haven?t watched it in ages and it always makes me laugh :H

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                    hola all I will ck in periodically tks in advance MWO's


                      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                      Hi all

                      All that noise you've been hearing is me putting an extension on the sleigh!!! Just jumping on board and looking forward to a sober December.

                      Ceech - I've kept a space for you.

                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                        hey how's everyone? I just told someone that I would be happy to come to the holiday party but I will be providing my own drinks because I am on Santa's sober sleigh! They didn't quite know what to say LOL! Good to be here guys!
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                          :H Jenny... GOOD for you!

                          :hallo: Overit!!! So good to see you back, as well. I, too, had strayed and somehow lost ground - so I'm in it full time and for good, this time around. Started Antabuse this week.

                          Oh... I didn't even ask.. is the extension safe? Can this sleigh hold one more?
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                            Everyone sounds really great! Happy Sober December to all!!


                              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                              Suns, I have been building extensions on sleighs for years - course its safe!!! Its the Rolls Royce of extensions and can hold as many as want to come on board. And I can always build an extension on the extension if need be!!

                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                                Hi Guys! Everyone sounds so positive this evening! Jenny, good response about work drinks! I just turned down an invitation to a party today, just not feeling ready this season. I'll do daytime stuff.

                                Mazzi, Choice, Sunshine, Dew -- everyone else great to hear from you! Keep building those extensions, this could be one big sleigh!

