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Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

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    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

    Morning all! About's called a MAN PERIOD. Nuff
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

      mollyka;1017865 wrote: Mylife, how did you feel meeting all those people? I would die, I think, deffo if I go to AA it won't be in home town!
      Hi Molly,

      Actually it's odd. AA is very Anonymous. Normally we just say "hello" and that's it when we run into each other in public. The worst was running into a teacher at my newphew's school when I dropped him off one morning. I have run into moms, dads, business leaders, pro golf players, you name it! So, it's quite amazing when you do join and a very interesting experience! But the bottom line is it's Anonymous. So I never felt that uncomfortable (except for the teacher situation)!!

      Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm starting on day 10 and feeling really great. I don't want to lose this momentum and all you great people I've met here, so I'm staying sober on this Sleigh - thanks to all of you! :thanks:


        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

        Hi all,

        Goodness I've had such a busy day, got stuck in the snow twice and had to dig the car out so that's my exercise for the day. I'm not long in so am off to get something to eat as I am starving and will catch you all later. I'm planning a soak in the bath with some candles and an early night. I can't believe I am so tired and it's only Monday :what?:

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

          Hello Eveyone

          Dewdrop, you are just finishing your day (your plans for a candle lit bath sound wonderful) and I am just starting my day. So cool talking to people from all over the world. Our Politicians are talking about slugging us with a 'carbon tax' which is supposedly to offset the global warming somehow so all of you who talk about the snow and freezing weather must just be making that up????? :H

          Choochie you sound so settled in your determination that al is a thing of the past. I feel that way too - it just seems that at last I have accepted no al ever and lets just get on with it. Lots to learn but much better to do that than sitting numbed out and 'blitzed in my chair' as someone on here described herself.

          Mylife great job on day 10. Stay strong and focussed. Sober is good.

          Molly I hope you can find something to get yourself sorted. Its defo not nice feeling the way you are. :l I'll be thinking of you especially today.

          GettingHappy That's something elseI don't miss - the empty bottles and what to do with them as we don't get a rubbish service. Drinking and the planning that went into it took up so much time!!!

          Choice Anon Wagon - good to see yous and OK Wagon man period probably fits so they're off the hook??? Hi to everyone else who I prob missed but still appreciate so much.

          Anyway gotta go do my bit at my place of employment where I spend soooooo much time it seems. I am actually very thankful I have this good job to go to just getting a bit too much at times. I'm dreaming of the simple life!

          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

            Hello everyone - just in from work, very cold and snowy here, luckily Mr Misery was able to give me a lift home but have NO idea how I'll get to work tomorrow - tomorrow is another day right!! You all sound great - actually I feel a lot better today too, it is lovely to maybe have come out the other end of a touch of depression, and sober as well!
            Dewie, I envy you your bath......I'd sell my soul for one now...ref. 'drunken ebay purchases' - no bath just a shagging steam shower that doesn't steam!
            Mylife, I s'pose the point is that if you're at AA you're all in the same boat, I think I really would like to go.
            Hey Wagon, no way are they gettin away with their bad behaviour cos of hormones - that's our gig!!
            We have a budget happening here tomorrow Maz, and I reckon we'd take your carbon tax 20 times over rather than what our lot are going to throw at us!
            Goodnight to all my lovely friends, and thanks for dragging me thro a few rotten days.
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

              Good evening everyone! All this talk of blustery snowy weather is really making me kind of miss the snow. Okay,just a little. It is cold here, but no snow. Dew, I think you got us all started on thinking about taking a bath with candles tonight! That sounds fantastic, I'm doing it!

              Wagon, Molly is right -- hormones are our business, no fair guys getting that excuse too! They have enough already!

              Maz, I feel the same as you -- I'm grateful for my job especially in this economy, but I'm feeling so overwhelmed with it lately! Can I retire yet??!!

              Have a great evening all! It's so great coming on here at the end of the day when I'd normally be rushing off to buy my wine. Thanks for being there!!!


                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                Hi all just reading some back posts and we ( poor men ) will give you ( strong women ) the hormones ,but we are claiming the the moon the full one to be exact and that happens once a month and can make us a bit mad hence MADMEN:nutso::nutso::nutso:
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                  Choochie you sound so settled in your determination that al is a thing of the past.
                  Mazzie - I feel like it has to happen for me now -- that if I start drinking it's going to much harder to stop next time. It's already hard enough - I don't want to go through this again. I want to hold on to what I've accomplished!


                    Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                    Afternoon Sleigh pals. I am up to day 16 of my sobriety and I am exhausted. My sleep is all over the place and I just feel lethargic all the time. I'm hoping that this passes soon. It may have more to do with christmas mania than the alcohol withdrawal.

                    Thanks heaps for all your responses to my 'friends and alcohol' question. I really appreciate it. I think, like most of you advised that my friend will probably handle my abstinance very well.

                    I have another query... my husband is not an alcoholic (he is a workaholic:bowtie and on a Friday after a big week he has always liked to indulge in a glass or two of red or a beer. Unlike myself he stops. He has been very supportive and not drinking around me or bringing alcohol into the home. I do think though if he wanted a drink I would handle it... however I don't want to have any alcohol in the house in case I crumble. So do you guys have any ideas on how we could manage this so he gets to have his relaxing beer/wine.

                    Happy riding.
                    :heart:When the wine is in, the wit is out. ~Proverb


                      Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                      Morning Madmans - what's it like in Mayo today? 10 inches of snow in my driveway, can't imagine getting to work today.
                      Ok, anyone who has a bath is barred from this thread y'hear Mylife an Dewgirl!!
                      Sarah, I found the spousal drinking thing easy enough most of the time. Like yours, my ol' shit enjoys a couple of drinks and at first I didn't mind drink in the house. Went thro a tricky phase tho and we cleared everything out of the house and actually it was a relief. Now I don't buy wine or beer or anything for him in the supermarket, he buys whatever he wants - luckily usually red wine which I have always actively disliked, I often finish off the bottle into a casserole or something - it works well. I find life must go on for folks around us as well as ourselves.
                      Speaking of Mr Miseryguts!! He woke me up this morn. to apologize profoundly for being such a shit-----WOW ------I don't think he has ever unreservedly apologised before - it felt great and has cheered me up.
                      Right, back to thinking about buses:upset::helpme:
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                        Whhhoooohoooooo, Told ya Mollers xxx
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                          Wow Molly - you are a lucky woman. My husband just pretends nothing happened. I don't think I have ever gotten an apology out of him. That's what happens when two pig headed Virgos

                          Have a WONDERFUL day everyone. I need a sleigh ride to wake me the hell up!
                          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                            Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                            Hi Sleigh people, Sorry I have not been around but have been too stressed and grumpy and it does not seem appropriate to whinge non stop on here.

                            Anyway hordes went back home last night and I have my bed back and my privacy so much happier today.

                            Husband still fed up with me but I cannot blame him as I have been a moody cow. i can always make it up with him as he does not like to be "out of friends"

                            Sunny day here but -6 so to icy for a run as I have fragile bones and will not risk it.

                            So pleased Molly that things are better with your husband what a dote to apologise!

                            Choocie to answer your question about the drunks in my car on Sunday night I think it just got me thinking about what a foolish thing drinking too much alcohol is. I could not get all the stupid things I had done in the past out of my head.

                            Dewdrop are you working from home?

                            Have to go and cook lunch for Mr Anon as he is working hard in the house getting it back to normal

                            Love to you all


                              Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                              Good Morning all! Anon it's funny you say lunch when that was 45 min ago and its 6:15am here and I have just gotten up! That is so cool! Love the UK and would love to visit for like a month one day. . . .dreams! Wagon. . . .my husband and I are Virgo's also, 9-14 and 9-16, we love each other so much but talk about some explosive fights! Wow.

                              Day 3 for me and I feel great, strong, and no cravings. Even was in the parking lot of a bottle shop getting gas yesterday and didn't want to go in! So awesome! I normally make it through day 3 but the cravings are so bad I cave on day 4 but with any luck that won't happen to this sober sleigh rider! Good Day all!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                Hop aboard Santa's Sober Sleigh

                                Morning Everyone - sounds like things are pretty peachy on the sleigh this morning.

                                Off to run some errands - hair day.

                                Molly - glad to hear Mr. Misery did the right thing. Men really should be better about apologizing!! Makes life so much easier, doesn't it?

                                Sarah, not sure what the answer is to your question. Sounds like if hubs brings in a bottle, he won't finish it and it will be sitting around. Not sure where you live but where I am, one can buy beers singly. Maybe he could buy his 2 beers, drink those, and then they would be gone. Just a thought - not sure if it's an option.

                                Have a good one all.


