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    Hi everyone,
    I thought I would post this in case it's useful to anyone who is plugging along in the early days of going AF.

    The past two days for me have been absolute HELL regarding cravings :upset:
    I have always thought the first 4 days were the worst, but this time around, Day 10 and 11 have really had their way with me and it has been a struggle. I keep reminding myself "No one said this would be EASY." Okay. So it's just not easy. But also not impossible (I keep telling myself this). I am holding out for the day when Choochie promises me it gets better, right around day 45.

    In the meantime, I am eating toasted oats cereal with raw sugar and raw milk, so it's at least a semi-healthy, kind of sweet treat that seems to fill a void. Maybe because of the carbs. Also drinking green drinks, per Choochie's suggestion. I also believe the All One powder is helping. I seem to have a lot of energy and feel pretty balanced for many hours after drinking that. The weird thing is that I never used to crave carbs (probably because I got all I needed from two bottles of wine), and I loved protein.Now I don't seem to crave the protein.

    My poor body. It must be so confused, not knowing what I am going to subject it to next...I know it's just a matter of time until things settle down, but I would love to hear some success stories from those who have recently traveled this road...

    All of that to say I am still sober and very grateful well as encouraged by Madman's 30 sober days!!! THAT IS FANTASTIC, MM, and it sure gives me hope :l
    "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
    Sam - AF since 12/11/10


    Hi hunni,
    FIRST.. You are doing FANTASTIC!!! Keep being strong. I'm 30 days today =D I used to find it easy then like you 4~7 days i would usually give in due to cravings. THEN after many failed attempts i started getting past those days and would get stuck at day 14ish and cave. I have come to terms that i can't drink and no longer want to drink although i do have cravings every so often. For me cravings hit around the 7 days marks so, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days ect ect. It does get much easier. I think you're be hitting that turning point soon. You just need to stay strong and reason with yourself. IF you drink, you'll have to start ALL over again and struggle through it ALL again but if you push through, you'll not have to and it'll get easier. I also noticed that when these cravings hit, if you were to put down a bottle of wine in front on me or a strawberry cheesecake i'd go for the cake each time so i think it's a lot to do with low sugar levels.
    you are doing GREAT!! Stay stong and keep going!



      Hi Samantha,

      Even though it's felt like hell, you didn't give in so good for you. Do you take kudzu? I'm on day 12 myself and when I've had cravings I've taken 600-900 mg and they did subside. I'm taking all of the other MWO supplements as well except for the magnesium because of a sensitive stomach.

      I hope you find some better days ahead and I'll wish us both luck. Nice to see a neighbor here too!



        Samantha - I felt the same way! I wanted carbs carbs carbs, but it really subsided. Like Jason said, the Kidzo really helped me. Good luck friend - you are doing great!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



          Sam, much better to give yourself food rather than booze. So, no matter how bad it gets, don't think that alcohol is going to solve any problems. You might want to read some of Doggygirl's posts. She's still having major sugar issues and she's been sober for a long time. There are also books out now that address the sugar/alcohol connection. If I run across any good info, I'll post. Hang tough sweetie!



            I too am stuggling with the sugar issue, it will be 6 months af on the 7th. But I would rather be struggling with the sugar than the other. It does get easier, hang in there and you will see )



              Wow...thank you, guys!
              It helps to know this is normal. And even that it may last for many months after going AF.

              Jason - I saw that we are neighbors! What a small world Also, I am so happy for your Day 12. That is fantastic! And yes, I am taking the supps, but I think today I will up the Kudzu to 900 mgs. and add some glutamine.

              Lil-Michelle!!! congrats on the 30 days!!! That is a milestone!!! I am so happy for you!!!

              Choochie - I have not gotten that tea yet, but I just found out my local Whole Foods market carries it, so I am going to go there today to get it. I didn't want to order online becauese I didn't want to wait for it. The green drink E3 Live seems to help if I make sure to have a big bottle to sip on throughout the day.

              Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement. I can feel the possibilities of a life AF so I will keep it going. Yesterday a friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher showed me one of her "props" that she had made for the kids for a lesson she was teaching. It was a little sign (like a crossing guard uses to stop traffic) and on one side it said "No matter what happens" .... then you turn the sign around and it says "BE FEARLESS!" For some reason it resonated with me, so today I will be fearless

              Peace to everyone for a sober Wednesday....
              "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
              Sam - AF since 12/11/10



                Doggygirl is reading: Potatoes Not Prozac and The Diet Cure. Sorry, she posted the authors but I didn't write them down. I'm sure they'll pop up on an Amazon search if anyone is interested.




                  Hi sam your doing great if i am right this is now your day 15. I ate anything , did'nt care what it was sweets , chips loads of potatoes, boilded,mashed cooked any way, i'm in Ireland remember we love potatoes loads of fruit, rice, currys . i did' nt care how much because my craving went away when i was not hungry. now my craving are not bad i can be more carefull what i eat. I did'nt put on any weight as i was'nt drinking the calories
                  AF 5/jan/2011

