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how can i pass my drug test?

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    how can i pass my drug test?

    I am new to this site. It's been 4 days w/o valium (my answer to alcoholism) but I'm still showing up way positive---home drug test. I've been drinking, but tapering. I know that alcohol could possibly show up on drug screen. Drug screen on Dec 10th.

    Any ideas? I've white knucled so many time hubby has given up. I take GABA to help with the anxiety but it doesn't. I was considering sleeping pills to take the edge off?

    how can i pass my drug test?

    Jeez Goopey, you're very welcome here - haven't a clue bout any of those things, but someone will know I'm sure and will be along. Just couldn't imagine taking more things rather than less would help? There will be loads of advice I'm sure, I'm just saying, regardless of the blood test you sound like you are in a bad sad way, hang around here a bit and read some posts - you'll find loads of advice and support if you want to give up drink
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      how can i pass my drug test?

      have the doctors prescribed you valluim? Why do you have a drug test...
      Sorry just slightly confused...


        how can i pass my drug test?

        Alcohol only shows up on drug test (if it is a UA) for a few hours. If you have an Rx for the valium and can prove it you should be fine. Depending on what time your test is if you do not drink for 8 hours before you should be just fine.


          how can i pass my drug test?

          valium stays in the system for 28 days if its a drug test for work they will want to know why you are prescribed diazepam.....i get prescribed it in small quantities for panic attacks,paranoia etcetc... which were induced by the effects of my lifestyle and alcoholism withdrawls theres no easy way out of it but i know people have failed drug tests for benzodiazepines(which valium is a member of)for taking flu remedies such as nightnurse etc in rehab....i also know people that have gone to the chemist to buy detox fluids that flush out your system within 24 hours theyre expensive but seem to work for people that actually smoke and take drugs however i dont know if it works for benzodiazepines if its a drug test for work and youve worked there for a long time they will know that youve got a drink problem i would just come clean and tell them they understand its worked for me in the past they use to see me come in with red eye the jedi tremors etc etc.....but they knew i was adressing my problem and gave me a drug test a month later because of valium hope this helps as ive been down the same slippery slope myself best of luck
          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


            how can i pass my drug test?

            oh forgot to say alcohol is normally out of the system by 48 hours
            but if its a blood test they can tell how bad the liver is affected by the damage to your liver whilst drinking
            if its a simple urine test drink plenty water but id be more worried bout the valium
            hepatologist(liver doctor)raigmore hospital told me
            Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


              how can i pass my drug test?

              okay..first 14 hours without a drink....very shaking, heart racing, etc. Just took another benzo test and its still positive. I was prescribed a valium on Nov 12th, 1 dose of 10mg for a surgical procedure. But there is no way they will believe that is causing the positive. By the way, its a drug test for a new job and i don't know if its on site or do they stand there in the bathroom with you. I bought one of those very expensive drug cleansing kits and have been taking fiber/colon detox pills. I've been drinking more water than Aquafina can produce. Still positive for valium. I'm just very afraid to lose this job. Not worried about the backgrond check. I want to get and stay sober, go to AA (I can't believe no one has smelled the vodka on me...they just aren't saying anything). I don't know what's so wrong with me that I can't get it.


                how can i pass my drug test?

                :welcome:Goopy - can't help on the drug test questions but it looks like others have given advice on that. I do want to welcome you though. I hope you can get going on AA in addition to getting whatever other help you need. Do you think you need to get under a doctor's care? Well, stick around here if you have the time. Lots of good people and advice scattered about the website. Be sure to check out the toolbox:




                  how can i pass my drug test?


                  There's no reason they wouldn't believe you were taking the valium for a surgical procedure. Show them the date on the bottle, the pharmacy receipt, or any bill related to the procedure. It's completely valid, and you can at least stop torturing yourself unnecessarily on that point.

                  Are they also testing for alcohol? That would be unusual, since it's legal.

                  I wish you a lot of strength and courage, friend.

                  xoxo Pride
                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    how can i pass my drug test?

                    Yes work drug screens do routinely test for alcohol. I know because I did one some years ago. In the work place it's to make sure employees aren't working under the influence, not sure if the initial one is in indicator or not but it's still generally carried out. Would be silly not to since it is another drug that can affect your performance.


                      how can i pass my drug test?

                      TY pride before fall....
                      Hubby has been laid off since May this year, and this position has decent salary. i just know nothing about valium except it helps me when I stop drinking (super heavy drinker). I don't pop em all day long, just to get me through the shakes and sometimes when I have to deal with my mother (big trigger). I know I'm substituting and all of that. What really sucks is I was alcohol and drug free for 2.5 years and relapsed this August. When I fall-it's HUGE!! I actually showed up to an AA meeting so drunk I couldn't even read the preamble- It was so horrible. What's even worse it that I hold a position for the Group. Took me two weeks to come back. I was forgiven and all that but wow!! Of course I had to step down- Sobriety Chair, no less. It's been so very hard to stay sober this time. 16 hours or s, now.


                        how can i pass my drug test?

                        Would be silly not to since it is another drug that can affect your performance. >>

                        I completely agree UK, but if you went out for drinks two nights ago, and it's legal and even considered "normal" in most western countries, it doesn't tell an employer you will drink on the job or even drink much at all. Companies that hired abstainers only during an intake physical would have a pretty small pool of employees to choose from.

                        Goop, hang on to the AA lifeline. Despite how hard it is, it's not something you will do, or want to do anymore, you took the big step past the "if only"'s. You're sixteen hours in--you're doing it. You probably know from experience the first 3 days are the hardest; get all the help you can, here, there, and everywhere. No matter what crap messages AL has helped you internalize about yourself, you're worth it.

                        xoxoxo Pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          how can i pass my drug test?

                          Pride before Fall;1018094 wrote: Would be silly not to since it is another drug that can affect your performance. >>

                          I completely agree UK, but if you went out for drinks two nights ago, and it's legal and even considered "normal" in most western countries, it doesn't tell an employer you will drink on the job or even drink much at all. Companies that hired abstainers only during an intake physical would have a pretty small pool of employees to choose from.

                          Goop, hang on to the AA lifeline. Despite how hard it is, it's not something you will do, or want to do anymore, you took the big step past the "if only"'s. You're sixteen hours in--you're doing it. You probably know from experience the first 3 days are the hardest; get all the help you can, here, there, and everywhere. No matter what crap messages AL has helped you internalize about yourself, you're worth it.

                          xoxoxo Pride
                          Correct however if they can't give you a drug screen on a particular date, without you being sober, then there could be a problem and potential employers are probably going to run a mile!

