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Question for Doggygirl

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    Question for Doggygirl

    Hi Doggygirl
    I thought I would just start a new thread b/c I don't have time to look through posts to "find you"

    Choochie said you are reading Potatos, not Prozac, and I am wondering if you are finding it helpful. She said you are battling sugar cravings, and I find myself in the same boat. I am only 13 days AF so it should not be a surprise, but I really don't want to get myself into a big sugar-eating cycle as I know it will only make matters worse. I am going to up my Kudzu today and add some glutamine. So far, I have only been eating toasted oat cereal w/ raw milk and raw sugar, so it's not like I'm eating pints of ice cream (and I will not ever be doing that!) and at least getting nutrients from the milk and oats...but I would like to be free of the cravings altogether as they feel like as much of a prison as the wine did

    If you don't mind sharing, I would love to hear about your experience with this and how you have been dealing with it for the time you have been sober...
    "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
    Sam - AF since 12/11/10

    Question for Doggygirl

    Hi Samantha T.

    Since you are so busy, I thought I would share that you can search the members to find their posts.

    Look for the Members List tab above, or Search.

    Good luck!
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      Question for Doggygirl

      Hi Sam,
      Yes, DG was advising me to be careful of the sugar thing, too. And unlike you, I had been eating -- well may not pints -- but lots of skinny cow ice cream bars each nite! I'm trying to keep it in check, but in these early days (Day 5 for me) I am doing what it takes to avoid AL.


        Question for Doggygirl

        Hi Samantha T. I think you are wise to consider this sugar thing now before it just complicates things in your sobriety. I started out my sober journey following the suggestions in the My Way Out book. Generally speaking, a low carb way of eating. There are tons of specific low carb plans out there. I really believe it helps.

        Potatoes Not Prozak in its "by the book" form is not 'low carb' in the sense that I am used to thinking of "low carb." BUT...after following a gradual implementation of a 7 step plan, one would end up with NO sugar and NO highly processed foods, white flour, white rice, etc. I'm not up on every detail as I'm still working my way through it.

        There is an emphasis on protein with every meal. I think this mitigates Recommended daily protein grams for a "normal" person (i.e. not a body builder or other super exerciser / athlete) is 1/2 your weight in grams, divided by 3 meals. For me, that's about 75 grams per day - 25 per meal. FWIW, this falls into the range (the lower end, but in the range) of "recommended protein" for me of other reduced carb and "adequate protein" type plans. (protein power, Natural health and weight loss by Barry Groves, etc.) For now, I am making sure I have at least 25G protein at each meal. If one considers things like oatmeal and whole grains, etc. to be "good carbs" then the idea is to always eat them with protein. I believe the idea here is that with protein, the blood sugar issues are more stable.

        Step 1 of this plan is to eat breakfast every day, 100% of the time, within an hour of getting up. Lots of science behind the importance of this in the book. (stuff I didn't know as well as stuff I've read a million times). The important components right now are 25 grams of protein, and a serving of a "good carb" i.e. oatmeal or Ezekiel bread - something like that. Fat is fine. This morning I had 2 eggs fried in butter and a bit of meat and a piece of Ezekiel (sprouted grain) toast with butter on it. No sugar or artificial sugar.

        I am also starting a journal (Step 2 of this plan, so I'm getting ahead of myself :H). This isnt' only to record what I eat, but how I feel physically and mood wise afterwards. The goal is to get my breakfast set so that seeing how I react to things, I am satisfied with my breakfast until lunch time.

        If you decide to explore this option, I definitely recommend getting the book. This program is truly about healing some physiological problems (blood sugar stabilization, proper levels of seratonin, proper levels of beta endorphins). I am familiar with blood sugar issues, but understanding seratonin levels and beta endorphin levels is completely new territory for me. Moods and physical issues a key to figuring out where you are with this stuff. It's not a "diet" in the typical meaning of weight loss or weight management. The goal is to heal the issues that contribute to sugar (and alcohol) addiction. THEN if a person needs to lose some weight, that comes next.

        Hope this helps! Another book I find intriquing is The Diet Cure (and also The Mood Cure) by Julia Ross. She also focuses on the brain chemistry side of all this, and connects AL and sugar addictions.

        If people are interested in my experience with this program, maybe we should start a thread for it and I'll be happy to report my findings and experiences, and would welcome the same from anyone else who might venture down this path.

        I'm a student so hopefully have not misrepresented anything...

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Question for Doggygirl

          DG, Sorry I am just now getting to read this but I wanted to thank you so much for the in-depth description. This is all stuff I am very interested in. Despite my fondness for The Grape, I have always been really into eating high-quality, clean, organic foods, and lately, right before I quit drinking, had seen an osteopath who got me onto the path of starting to eliminate the processed stuff (flour, sugar, etc.) I thought I had "mastered" the concept of "giving up sugar"...indeed, I did, all except one source, the wine! So now that I have stopped THAT, the sugar cravings are, of course, here with quite a vengence.

          I will definitely get this book. I can't see having any sort of peaceful sobriety without also tackling this underlying sugar stuff as well. And I would love it if you started a thread on this because I'd like to see how your progress goes.

          Thank you, once again, for the great info!
          "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
          Sam - AF since 12/11/10


            Question for Doggygirl

            DG - a thread would be fab if you have the time or inclination. :l


              Question for Doggygirl

              Hi guys. I've been buried in business lately and it's not letting up real soon. But I WILL start a thread once things settle down. The more I read (very little by very little LOL) in this book the more I can identify. I'm convinced that sugar (and even artificial sweets) in all forms is just dangerous and unhealthy territory for me. I like the "steps" of this program as a longer term strategy for developing a healthy eating plan rather than knee jerk "dieting" which I have always failed at miserably in the long haul.

              I have started the journaling process and am trying to be very aware, and write in detail about my moods and also physical feelings. With my "awareness" hat on, I fully FELT my way through a sugar craving today that was eerily like AL. They have really been like this all along - I just didn't put 2 & 2 together. Knowledge is power, so look out world here I come. :H

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Question for Doggygirl

                Hey DG

                I've read "Potatoes not Prozac" some years ago when I was suffering from Depression with a history of eating disorders. The advice/science behind the book is very much in agreement with the sports/fitness diet I've often followed - and that many around me have told me was 'wierd', 'strange' and 'faddy'. It's actually one of the most natural, healthy ways of eating and eschews our 'normal' crisps, liquid sugar, chocolate everyday current existence.

                That book talks a lot of sense.


                  Question for Doggygirl

                  I think the same author wrote a book called the Sugar Addicts Cure or something along those lines. Makes sense to me, too.


                    Question for Doggygirl

                    She has written 3 books that I know of:

                    Potatoes Not Prozak (which has been updated from the original version)
                    The Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program
                    Your Last Diet

                    They all work together off of the principles in PNP and the 7 Steps she has outlined.

                    I wish the community support was something other than Yahoo Groups. :yuk:

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Question for Doggygirl

                      Has anyone seen "Super Size Me"? Morgan Spurlock spends 30 days eating notihng but McDonald's. He ends up gaining weight of course, but more importantly his liver is fucked because of the sugar. He gets better of course, but it is the sneaky and true demon.


                        Question for Doggygirl

                        Yep I just saw that show for the first time a few weeks ago. Have not stepped into a fast food joint since (or driven through) except for DD for their egg sandwiches or a bagel but i've even stopped that in the last week. His extreme change in weight and appearance and blood work in only 30 days really hit a nerve with me. Good riddance mickey d's I say!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Question for Doggygirl

                          CS, I have not but have known about trash food for a long time - I have seen tv shows that show some of what is in fast food. Absolutely disgusting. I was afraid to see the movie because I knew it would piss me off. I have a hard time not getting really negative about what we do to food and animals for food in this country.

