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oops I did it again!

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    oops I did it again!

    having a hard time getting sober here. to be honest, I'm sick and tired of the excuses I make. my plan is to order medication tomorrow. I guess the only saving grace I have is that I don't get totally wasted and do stupid stuff. I just drink beer alone and watch TV. it's no way to live. I am in the upper panhandle of WV. if anyone is near, send me a message. tired of having no friends in the area.

    oops I did it again!

    p.s. VA and MD would work too.


      oops I did it again!

      Hi Gogators its hard at the start . For years i did just as you are now , sitting down, drinking beer, watching tv and its a shite way to live. you have to break that cycle. "If you change nothing, nothing changes" that or close to that phrase has being posted around here before and it so right. keep posting and let us know how you get on with the meds
      AF 5/jan/2011


        oops I did it again!

        Hi Gogators, I am with Madmans on this one. It sounds like you know that you need to change, you can do it. Like me, you may have to hit rock bottom before it really hits home, but I hope you don't have to go there. Stop now. Read and write lots here, there are many caring and thoughtful people who can help. All the best,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          oops I did it again!

          Hi Gogators,
          I used to sit at home alone drinking beer too (well, not completely alone, kid in the other room). It was such a depressing cycle for me. I'd go through a 12 pack every night. Sometimes I'd have hour long phone conversations that I'd have no recollection of the next day. Or sometimes I'd drive after way too much to drink. I just got so sick of the cycle...I had to make serious changes. I've had my slips and mess ups, but overall this is the best I've ever done in attempting to get and stay sober. You CAN do this too. It may seem hard at first (which it is), but id DOES get better. What medications are you ordering? I look forward to hearing of your progress...hang in there!!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            oops I did it again!

            Hey gogaters - I concur with the others. This shite is hard to do and starting it is no fun. But the difference in your life sober is freakin incredible. Drinking alone just isolates you more. The more you drink, the more isolated you feel...and you drink even more to try to get rid of the isolated feeling! You know all that though. This is a decision that you have made - evident by your decision to order your meds. Good luck to you friend. You can do this and we can help you get through it. These people helped me - been sober 32 days now - first time in YEARS. Take care and keep us posted.
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              oops I did it again!

              Hi Gogaters hows things did you get your meds? dont forget you can always come here and turn the tv off . madmans
              AF 5/jan/2011


                oops I did it again!

                :welcome: gogaters,

                How are you doing? Best advice I received when I joined was to get a plan pulled together, check out the Toolbox thread which gives loads of advice and read through lots of threads. Come back and let us know how you are doing.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  oops I did it again!

                  hey everyone, thanks for the love. I will give a detailed post soon.


                    oops I did it again!

                    Hi Gogaters,
                    I mostly drank alone. It's was a sad existence. I've tried many methods and I'm sure some of the methods I've tried work for many people. Check out the MWO book - lots of good tools there. I'm an AA person, and that's what has worked for me for the past 3 1/2 months. Not one drop! BTW, is Pgh. PA close enough?
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      oops I did it again!

                      I finally broke down and ordered medication today. hopefully it comes quickly. I know that naltrexone worked pretty good for me, and hopefully the bac works for me as well. I remained sober for around 8 months on my own, so I know I can do it, and hopefully this medication gives me a shove in the right direction. I can no longer sleep when I drink. it's strange, because I used to drink because it helped me sleep. I think it was the hops or something. however, now I am an insomniac. to tell you the truth, when I was sober, I still didn't sleep more than 4 hours a day. I can't wait for this nightmare that I've created for myself to be over. I long for a day when I can spend my nights writing, instead of trying to find a blood alcohol calculator, so I can see how many hours it is until I am sober. ugh. this is no way to live. the heat in my apartment doesn't work, and it's 25 degrees outside. I'm freezing cold, but I can't call my landlord to fix my heater because my apartment is littered with beer cans. I know the end of this lifestyle is approaching, and I am looking forward to it. once I get sober, then I can focus on the 1 million other issues I have.


                        oops I did it again!

                        hey j-vo. I actually have a friend in pittsburgh! he used to work for me. I keep telling him that I am going to go up there and visit him. perhaps I will be up there this summer to catch a pirates game or something.


                          oops I did it again!

                          just took a seroquel, so hopefully I'll fall asleep. just took 1, because I took 2 on saturday, and I couldn't form sentences! hopefully 1 will make me drowsy enough to catch some z's.


                            oops I did it again!

                            Keep going Goey!

                            Sounds like you are heading in the right direction.

                            Sucks when you cant sleep.
                            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                            :h ya


                              oops I did it again!

                              Go, you will not regret giving up alcohol. We are here for you!

                              this is no way to live
                              This is it in a nutshell. Hope you can get back to sober and heal your body with sobriety. Drinking is a fucking dead end.


